profile pic

Taken by Randy Jo, during the Epic National Conference at Houston, Texas on Dec, 2019

About me

Hello there! Welcome to my website, so glad to have you here!

My name is Harry Liu, and I am a current senior at George Mason University, studying IT to become a Front-End Web Developer.

Currently, I'm trying to advance my skills in web development, by learning framework technologies such as Angular.

My friend and I are using Angular to develop a website for our campus ministry at GMU, which you can check out here. Our ministry is called Epic Movement, a student-led Christian organization.

Aside from pursuing a career in Web Development, my other passions and hobbies include, Photography, Videography, Guitar, Singing, Swimming, Hiking, Following God and many more

I often utilize what I learned from Photography towards designing a website.
Compositions, contrast, focus of the subject, etc, are important aspects when it comes to framing a picture.
And I believe they are just as important when it comes to designing and positioning different elements within a webpage.

My Experience

| Experiences

Tech Support, GMU ITS | Oct 2019 - Present

‣ Diagnose any technical difficulties revolving a student or staff’s device or account

‣ Resolve any issues presented to a student or staff’s device or account through methods of phone calls, live chat, and in-person

‣ Accurately describe the solution and guide the customer to resolution

Staff, GMUMIX | Sept 2016 - May 2018

‣ Resolved any design issues a student encountered while using a 3D modeling software

‣ Researched personal project on the development of wireless charging

| Projects

more about my projects can be viewed on the Personal Projects page

Epic Movement Website | May 2020

‣ Designed and developed components using Angular

‣ Overall design finalized by using HTML5 and CSS, web responsive done by using Bootstrap 4

Wedding Invitation RSVP | May 2020

‣ Design focused around simplicity of usage and navigation

‣ Collected responses using Google Forms implemented within the website

‣ Constantly updated to display messages or updates from the bride and groom

Photography Website, Dec 2019

‣ Demonstrating original photographs taken and videos recorded in various locations

‣ Utilizes CSS and JavaScript to dynamically change website content or layout

‣ Overall design finalized by using HTML5 and CSS, web responsive done by using Bootstrap. Utilized jQuery plugins and public library to design certain functions

| Skills, Certifications & Proficiencies

Programming Languages

‣ HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript

‣ Java | PHP | Python

‣ Swift | jQuery | MySQL


‣ Autodesk Inventor Professional

‣ Autodesk AutoCAD


‣ WordPress | SharePoint

‣ Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Premiere Pro

‣ Adobe Dreamweaver | Autodesk Inventor Professional

‣ Autodesk AutoCAD

Langauge Proficiencies

‣ English

☑ Speaking ☑ Writing ☑ Reading

‣ Chinese (Mandarin)

☑ Speaking ☑ Writing ☑ Reading

| Education

George Mason University

‣ Expected Graduation Date: Dec 2020

‣ Bachelor of Science, Information Technology with Web Development Concentration

‣ Dean's List: 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2019-2020

‣ GPA: 3.29

Chantilly High School

‣ 2012 - 2016

‣ Advanced Diploma

| Leadership & Volunteer

President, Epic Movement | Apr 2017 - May 2019

‣ Communicated as a liaison between the University’s offices and the organization

‣ Utilized university resources to help with organization outreach events

Core Leader, Epic Movement | Aug 2018 - May 2019

‣ Oversaw entire operation of the organization with two other leaders

‣ Organized details for numerous upcoming events within the organization

Praise Team Leader, Epic Movement | Sept 2017 - May 2020

‣ Lead the planning & organization of practices to prepare for weekly meetings

‣ Coordinated with other members and leader to determine details for worship during the organization’s weekly meeting