Communication Engineering Lab

ECE 461 - Lab Policies

A PDF copy of lab syllabus is available to download from here.
  • The George Mason University Honor Code applies to all aspects of ECE 461.
  • You must complete and present all the experiments to pass the course.
  •  Attendance at all labs is mandatory.
  • Read and follow all the laboratory rules and tips mentioned on pages i-v of the lab manual.
  • Each student is required to do the advance preparation before coming to the lab.
  • A pop quiz may be given at the beginning of each lab to test your level of preparation.
  • Each student is allowed to pair up with only 1 partner (maximum of 2 students per group) to work on each experiment.
  • You must present your working experiment on the assigned date (or within 2 week during office hours with prior permission from the instructor) for each lab.
  • A signature sheet will be provided to you that requires TA’s signature for each experiment.  It is your responsibility to keep and collect these signatures and turn in the signature sheet at the beginning of your final exam.  This sheet will be returned to you after you finish your test.
  • Only the ECE 461 TA is allowed to check your experiments for laboratory credit and signature.
  • Lab reports must be submitted by each partner in print within 1 week of the assigned date for each experiment at the beginning of the lab period.
  • Late submission of a report will reduce its grade by 15% per week.
  • Lab reports must be legible. A sample report format will be provided to you.
  • Always check the course calendar for due dates and Midterm/Final Exams.
  • Midterm and Final Exams both will have 2 parts.  Each test consists of a written part for theory and an experimental part to test your knowledge of hardware and equipment.