Submission Guidelines
HCR welcomes original submissions written in either Spanish or English. There are no eligibility requirements. Contributions in English should relate to the culture, literature, art or language of the countries where Spanish language is spoken. The journal accepts essays, interviews, short fiction, poetry, drama, and visual art.
All submitted material should include the author's name, address and phone number, as well as an e-mail address if available. Work should be sent either on a disk in Word or Word Perfect, or as an e-mail attachment only. No manuscripts are returned unless accompanied by a SASE, so authors are encouraged to keep duplicates of their works.
HCR 's editors urge authors to cooperate in submitting carefully written manuscripts, otherwise, they might not be published or they will be returned for corrections. Submissions should conform to the latest edition of the MLA Style Manual or the MLA Handbook .
Acceptable Length
Essays, including endnotes: 3,000 words
Narrative: 2,500 words
Reviews: 1,000 words
Poetry: 100 lines
Sent To
Email to or mail to:
George Mason University
Modern & Classical Languages, MSN 3E5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444