Console/PC Games

I do not indulge very often, partly because I have a tendency to get lost in them for days on end. Our house contains an XBox One, Playstations 3 and 4, and a computer that's okay for gaming, but probably doesn't have the processing power for really heavy games. I may additionally play far too many stupid little games on my phone.

The Sims

I still play Sims 3, as I have spent too much money on stuff packs and other crap to start over again. It is not possible for me to not play this all day. Once I start, I'm in until dinner. And possibly longer, if my husband doesn't stop me. It takes a huge amount of effort to return myself to the real world, so I don't tend to start unless I know I have an idle week to kill.

Kingdom of Loathing

It's been a bit since I've been active, but you can still find me there as Shugenja in my tiny clan, the harbingers of dooom.


I always play in survival mode, because I am both stubborn and uncreative. I also tend to mindlessly marathon when playing this.

Dragon Age

Not since Chrono Cross has a game sucked me in this thoroughly. I've played Origins, II, and Inquisition.