All About Databases
Rainforest Rain Forest
Learn--I learned how to take suggested cues and use a database called Rain Forest to analyze clues.
Know--From this I learned that there are several different ways to search for information and to draw conclusions/inferences.
Act--This will influence my practice in the future to come up with a database project for my students.  It will also cause me to research for other databases to take advantage of what may already exist.
Letter to Don
Background Letter

Database Icon Databases
Learn--The concepts that there are different types of databases to search for information or to come up with projects for students
Know--The ideas and concepts that was the real take away was the concept of offloading.
Act--I will try and increase the "offloading" concept to give my students more of a collaborative environment to enrich the learning process.  This will help my ability to manage the classrooms more effectively. 

Database Pamplet
Presidential Icon Presidential
Learn--How to search a database for specific criteria with multiple search items.
Know--My take away was that realistic searches and analysis of database information are done with a variety of variables to help hone or fine tune the outcome.
Act--This will again influence me directly with my database project (which is coming out nicely).  Adding a variety of criteria makes it more realistic and reflective of "real world" situations.
Presidential Want Ad
Mystery Icon Murder Mystery
Learn--This was the first time I had entered information/populated a database.
Know--Reinforces several things, including multiple search criteria and crafting a lesson plan using a story.  It was also fun to enter in the information.
Act--Try to make database lessons fun and engaging.  It included people in the classroom and this will help with crafting lesson plans in the future.
Classroom Mystery
Learn--Reinforced the concept of the authentic problem (we were supposed to be a scientist) to develop several hypotheses and searching a database to either prove or disprove using the facts uncovered.
Know--My take away from here was the authentic problem, although it has been discuss previously, it hit home on this one.
Act--In future projects or activities, I will employ the use of an authentic problem and reinforce the concept of real world problems/situations.
Donner Debacle
Corvette Image The Fun Factor
Learn--How to research information on cars and develop a database on the results to prove or disprove a theory and to support your opinion by essay.
Know--The take away here was the essay process.  I was never exposed (or forgot--I am old) the full process of the 5 paragraph essay and how logically it is laid out.
Act--I will be adding a "support your position" component to my projects to drive home the concepts of understanding and the "lost art" of allusion.  This will also improve critical thinking and language arts skills.
Car Formula Database 