Research Reflections, Products, and Competencies

Research Course Reflections Research Products and Competencies
EDRS 810

The Impacts of an Online Mentoring Program on a Teacher's Online Mentoring and Classroom Practice- A qualitative proposal

I gained experience in developing parts of a research a research proposal, developing research questions and making decisions about data collection and analysis that will answer the research questions.

EDRS 811

Designing Online Courses with Students in Mind- A quantitative study in which questions were answered using a combination of ANOVA, multiple regression, and dummy coding.

I gained experience in developing appropriate questions that can be answered using quantitative data collection methods and knowledge of corresponding quantitative data analysis techniques. I gained experience in the use of SPSS in the analysis of data, including t-tests, ANOVA, multiple regression testing, dummy coding and contrast coding. Also, I practiced writing a quantitative report with special attention to the presentation of statistical results.

EDRS 812

Noodges, Watchdogs, and Implementers: The Policy Advisory Board, Who They are, and What They Did to Promote The Online Academy - A qualitative study in which data was collected through interviews and analyzed using categorizing, comparing, coding and theme building strategies.

I gained experience in developing appropriate questions that can be answered using qualitative data collection methods and knowledge of qualitative data analysis techniques such as memo writing, categorizing, comparing, coding, and developing themes. Also, I developed knowledge in connecting strategies such as narrative analysis. In this course, I was able to gain experience in developing an interview guide, interviewing participants, audio taping interviews, and transcribing interviews. I also learned to acknowledge researcher bias as well as look for all possible validity threats in qualitative research. I was able to practice the various ways to present qualitative results and write a qualitative report.

EDRS 797

A series of memos for the development of a mixed methods study: Memo 1, Memo 2, and Memo 3.

I gained knowledge in the various research perspectives, data collection methods, data analysis, and report writing that are used in mixed methods research. I learned to determinine the strengths and weaknesses of a a particular data collection and/or analysis method and then use the strengths of one methods to compensate for the weakness in another. Also, I was able to begin to think more deeply about developing my own dissertation topic and wrestle with developing research questions that clearly ask what I hope to explore. I gained an understanding of how a study which integrates a variety of methods can be used as strategies in dealing with validity threats.

EDUC 892

Immigrant Teachers and their Perspectives on Social Justice and Equity - A qualitative study conducted with Bailey, S. and Isabel, M.

I gained experience in collaborating on all aspects of a research study with other student researchers. I developed my literature review skills which required me to investigate a topic that as a researcher, I had little knowledge or experience. Through the process, I practiced my interview and transcribing skills as well as using qualitative methods for data analysis.

2006 SITE

The Effects of Gender Grouping in Online Collaborative Groups - A mixed methods study conducted with Warrick, B.

In this experience I was able to practice analyzing quantitative data using SPSS as well as practice skills in coding and developing themes in qualitative data. I gained experience in analyzing asynchronous discussion board threads and looking for emerging patterns and discrepant cases. I furthered my competency in drawing conclusions from the findings in the qualitative analysis. I gained experience in writing a publication for presentation at an International conference.

2007 SITE

Comparing Two Online Learning Environments: A Classroom of One or Many? - A qualitative study conducted with Norton, P.

I gained further experience in analyzing qualitative data collected from an open-ended questionnaire and in developing conclusions from the findings. I gained experience in writing a publication for presentation as well as rewriting to prepare for journal publication. The revised article is not available here as it is still in review by JRTE.


Additional comments about Competencies

In all of my research experiences, I have been exposed to a variety of publications and have had the opportunity to learn how to critically review research articles. I have had the opportunity on three occasions to have articles (written in collaboration with colleagues) peer reviewed. I have experienced the excitement of co-authoring an award winning paper for one society of technology researchers and revising an award winning paper for another society of technology researchers in answer to peer reviewers concerns. I learned that writing for an audience and addressing issues that are of importance within the society of my peers, not just my interests, must be considered.

I feel comfortable with all the data analysis techniques I learned through my coursework and for the purposes of my disseration, I will be using these techniques. However, I feel that I need to be exposed to more opportunities for advanced methods in both quantitative and qualitative and plan to continue my education in these areas by enrolling in the advanced courses offered for each. In the meantime, I have developed a working relationship with methodologists in these areas and feel comfortable seeking them out for help.

I have not had any independent opportunities to develop my own close- ended survey for data collection and while this an important area for my dissertation, I have begun to collect a wealth of information on survey design. This will be one of the most challenging parts of my research proposal, but I am aware of my options for guidance.