Web Design Resources

So you're interested in Web Design and Authoring? Perfect! Below are some excellent resources we recommend for beginners.

1. HTML 5

W3Schools provides the most comprehensive guide on HTML5 and allows users to practice coding live on their website.

Tutorial Spark walks users through the process of learning how to code in HTML5.

2. CSS

Code Academy Code Academy is an excellent resource for learning CSS and allows users to test their newly acquired knowledge right on their website.

Tutorials Point provides a basic introduction to HTML 5

3. Graphics and Design

Worqx was created by JANET L. FORD SHALLBETTER and walks users through the basics of color theory and terminology.

Color Matters is a helpful website created by J.L. Morton and helps users understand how color relates to symbolism and marketing.

4. Finding Copy-Right Free images

WPbeginner is a helpful guide published on February 15, 2016 and gives users an excellent list of copy-right free images resources to use on WordPress sites.

University of Washington Library's comprehensive list was last updated on April 27th 2018 and provides users with different copy-right free image database.

Created by Cameron Petersen on April 25th, 2018