In My Coffee Cup

One night I fell
into a deep sleep.
It was warm and
Muggy; there were clouds of steam
through which I floated,
Strangely content.

I couldn’t figure out
where my brother was.

Exhaustion came to play.
He tossed a ball,
It hit me in the
Chest; I doubled over,
maybe on reflex because
It didn’t hurt.

My carpet spoke to me;
It said, “Don’t look down on me.
Unlike you, I contribute a lot
To society.”
“Hey now,” I responded. “That’s
Rather unkind. I made you, you know.
In fact, I make society. You just sit there.”
That shut it up.

The smoke alarm went off. No it didn’t.
Something, something is beeping.
The clouds are getting thicker,
I smell something familiar.
My eyes open.

The coffee is done,
and I am standing in front of it,
Mug in hand.        

@ 21 MPHThe MonumentAn Easier Life
In My Coffee CupDon't Feel Bad AmericaUp High and Looking Down