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Fair Fasia plays host to Cherrywood stardom today as actors join together to show support for the Vitiya orphans.


The Masonia Basketball team lost 23 to 47 yesterday.

Pidubya soccer team wins with 11 points.

Breaking News

Catch the developing story of the terrorism crisis in Pidubya.

The Masonia Secretary of State Nam Doan has called a press conference.

World News

Last week the Coalition Alliance Treaty Syndicate welcomed a new member: Gralniton.

Launch believed to be CATS HQ deploying its new Keyhole-2600 Imaging Satellite.

Front Page News

Miss Universal Democracy Pageant Contestants and Staff Kidnapped.

Crisis in Pidubya

Miss Universal Democracy Missing From West Freedomia

Previously: Universal Democracy Pageant to Occur Next Week.

Dollar Falls

Lost Tribesmen Stumble Into Xariffa City.

CATS Council Meets on Developing Terrorist Situation.

The Cats council meets on developing terrorist situation
This past Thursday the Cats council met to discuss the terrorist events that are unfolding in Pedubya.  Council members from each of the states were present at the meeting.  The members of Nodule expressed a great concern over the hostage videos. 

Representative Guise made the comment “These are harsh times for the pageant members, as well for all the CATS States.  We hope to end the conflict as quickly and as diplomatically as possible.” 

While given the peaceful negotiation tactics that Nodule has been known for, the opposite can be said for their allies with Gralniton.  “We should not stand for this kind of crap.  We are the CATS and we should roll in there and take back our hostages by force,” stated Gralniton Representative Col. Campbell.   Gralniton has always been known for their shoot first then ask questions later attitude about conflicts.  Alongside Col. Campbell was Representative Jaycee of Fair Fasia.  “This is an outrage.  How could some low life scum such as Vermin think he can get away with such a dastardly act?  Mark my words, we will end him,” exclaimed Rep. Jaycee during the conference. 

The representative of the Ravis Allied Kingdoms was not able to make it as her plane was delayed due to bad weather.

Leading this conference were Nam Doan, Secretary of State, and General Chris Clark Leader of CATS and the Democratic Republic of Masonia.  General Chris Clark, “After viewing the hostage videos, the best course of action is a three step process of: diplomacy, alternative, and then force.  I understand Gralniton and Fair Fasia’s view of the ‘shock and awe’ method.  But that will not work in this situation as it is our own people that need to be saved.” 

Secretary Nam Doan, “What General Clark is trying to say is that we don’t always have to go in guns blazing.  We’ve tried that before with the Ciao Hall conflict, only to have left us with a bitter feeling in our stomach and regretting the actions we took in doing so.” 

Both agreed that the three step process was the best course of action and had their plans mapped out in the conference.  We (the press) were not allowed in during the conference.  We only hope that the hostages are safe and unharmed.