Introduction to Rhetorical Web Design

Validity and Accessibility

Uploading to the Server

Upload your HTML and CSS documents to a publically accessible folder on the server that you are using.


Set permissions for all folders (on the server) that are related to your website to "755." Set all document permissions to "644."


Check to see how different Internet browsers display the pages of your website. Make necessary adjustments so that your website displays adequately in as many browsers as desired/possible.

Creative Commons

Acquire a Creative Commons license for your website so that users know what they are permitted to do with the content of your site.

Findability and Metadata

Increase the "findability" of your website by including keywords in the HTML document headers, meaningful titles that align with the keywords and other content, and a navigational site map.


Determine a metric by which you will evaluate the effectiveness of your website, based upon its established purpose(s). Elicit user feedback to improve your site, and update the content as appropriate.


Images source: Copyright Free Images.

Garrett, Jesse James. The Elements of User Experience. 2nd ed. Berkley, Cal.: New Riders, 2011. Print.

"Minimalist Design: A Brief History and Practical Tips." SpyreStudios. Web. 5 July 2012.

Morton, J. L. "Global Color: Clues and Taboos." Color Voodoo. 2011. Web. 25 June 2012.