Andrew's Cool Website


Currently, I am employed with Events Production as an event technician. I have been working there since Fall of 2005 and enjoy the work very much. I believe that it is one of the best job for students on campus and maybe the best learning experience I will ever have in a job.

I am now part of Mason's Student Government, serving as a Student Senator, and also the Clerk of the Senate for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. This provides me an opourtunity to make a difference at Mason and hopefully beyond. My primary job here is to represent the student's interests to the faculty and administration. Student Government has long been ignored and it is time for this to change.

I was also a part of the Program Board Executive Committee as the "Vice-President, Webmaster" for the 2006-2007 Academic Year. This was a unique opportunity to be webmaster for an active and visible group. I have learned much from my time there and hopefully have left a positive enviornment for new student leaders to take advantage of.


My resumé is available for download or viewing here. Generally, it is not up to date, but I try to update it, when needed.

All content is copyrighted by Andrew Roth. © 2006