Computer Technology in the Nursing Field and its influence
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Computer Technology in the Nursing Field and its influence
George Mason University
 a nurse

Avantages of Technology

Therefore, there are many potential benefits for the increase need for computer technology in the nursing field. Some possible reasons why computers are increasingly used in U.S. medical care are the availability of high speed connections, availability of personal digital assistants, availability of wireless connections, and a decreasing cost of hardware and software (Koide & Peskin, 2005). The advantages of computers are that more hospitals are requiring their nurse’s to be more computer literate, which allows less use of paper to write down important patient information, help improve and advance health care, and can reduce errors in dealing with patient’s records. Also, computers can decrease the amount of information needed to be memorized (Koide & Peskin, 2005). Finally, computers can decrease the amount of time needed to read journals and books, while still maintaining high quality knowledge (Koide & Peskin, 2005).