Learning the Basics


Most computers, if not all, have word processing software installed for you to use. You don’t need anything fancy to start coding. The simplest program would be Notepad, or its more elegant counterpart Notepad++. So long as you have somewhere to type and save your code, you should be ready to go.


While at this stage you don’t need to be entirely worried about where to host your site, it doesn’t hurt to have a few ideas in mind. Some noteworthy web hosting services include Wix, SiteGround, GoDaddy, and Media Template. Blogging platforming sites can also work as decent web hosts, such as WordPress and Tumblr.


HTML—hypertext markup language—is the basis of any webpage. However, XHTML is the most current standard used today. Both methods are the most basic skeletons that hold everything together. On the right you will find a number of resources where you can learn the basics of XHTML/HTML coding. Browse through a few and test them out to get an idea of how things work.


Consider CSS the frosting on your cake—or, to keep with analogies, the interior design of your building. While HTML would be the foundation and supporting structures of your building, CSS is your furniture and paint. CSS serves to enhance your designs.

There are a number of wonderful things you can accomplish with CSS. So much, in fact, that compiling a brief guide to the basics would still end up being too long. Thus, you can find some helpful beginning resources listed in the sidebar. Again, test out your designs, spice things up, and see what you can accomplish. If you don’t know whether or not CSS can do something specific, let Google be your friend.