Web Authoring & Design Methodology


So, you’ve found yourself traveling down the long and winding road that is web authoring and design. For anyone, regardless of past experience, that road can be overwhelming. Yet with the right tools, guidance, and a little patience, anyone can master the skill of web design.

In this site, I have compiled some of the lessons I’ve learned and resources I have picked up in the past four months. Each one has helped me improve my coding and design techniques. This guide’s main goal is to help you think about what you want to do with your site, learn the basics of HTML and CSS, develop your own coding flare, and overcome any challenges that arise along the way.

Getting Started

The starting point for any project is figuring out the purpose behind it. There’s no point in designing something without knowing what it will be used for or how. For this step, audience is key.

Think of it like architecture. What kind of building will best serve your clients' needs? What kind of people are most likely to use this building? What resources will they need and how can you place them in an effective way?

Answering these questions will have you well on your way to developing a plan.