Hypertext Writing


Writing hypertext requires imagination much more than technical knowledge or facility with a computer. Without any elaborate software, and with the knowledge of perhaps a dozen HTML tags, a creative author can link myriad pages into an elaborate and satisfying emotional and intellectual journey for anyone who can access the web. That said, a little technical knowledge will help. But let's start with the inspiration.

The Web Site
Creating the opening page (splash page, welcome screen) for any personal web site challenges most of us. We need to invite the reader in yet at the same time not reveal everything about the site. We need to give readers a clear entrance to the site yet also give them time to interact with material. We need to combine aesthetics with function. The personal web pages of the hypertext authors below combine elegance, intrigue and utility.

Stuart Moulthrop
Carolyn Guyler
Cathy Marshall
Michael Joyce
and a less famous author
Richard Hill



the syllabus     the texts     the journals    
the assignments     the presentations
hypertext bookshelf      hypertext writing

Lesley Smith, August 1999