This is Genre X: A
This presentation will follow
the traditional academic presentation style in that it will include an
introduction, body, and conclusion. It will both assert an opinion and
its validity with concrete examples and details.
First, select two partners to work with and
a genre
of film to explain (be warned-- if I find you speaking a language other than English, you will be subjected to the "3 strikes & you're out" rule).
Next, plan a seven minute presentation that will clearly
defines the genre you selected. Your presentation should have an
introduction, body (that includes a film clip) and conclusion.
The following things must be included:
- Introduction
- Presenter names
- Genre defintion (in your
own words)
- Body
- Explain in greater detail 3
specific elements that
a film within this genre must contain
- You must identify
these elements and define
them in your own words
- Use a clip (must be less
than 1
minute) to SHOW us
one of the three elements you presented (or all three in one clip).
- Conclusion
- Restates the main ideas
the introduction and
body parts in different words.
- Recommends what the audience
do next
Other requirements:
- Must be a PowerPoint® presentation (or other
software including Flash and/or HTML, etc.)
- digital copies of presentations must be submitted to
on the day of your presentation <>
- You and your partners will each have three "target" words
that I will listen for during your presentation. I will be
listening for correct pronunciation of these sentences on two levels:
- correct pronunciation of individual sounds (e.g. b & p; f & v; /i/ as in "peel the orange" & /I/ as in "take a pill" )
- Correct syllable stress within target words
Links with information about film genres

Due Dates:
Genre Selection = Thursday, February 17
- Name(s) of people working together
- Genre on which you will present
- Outlines = Thursday, February 24
- Must include description and time of clip
- Must identify each speaker's 3 target words.
- Presentations = Tuesday, March 1
- You must be prepared; order of
presenters will be
chosen randomly that day--> if you are not present or not prepared
on the 7th
you will receive a ZERO for the project :(
Grading Criteria
- All required components present in a clear, complete manner
in an
format = 50% (group assessment)
- Presentation software used; introduction, body, conclusion & 1 minute clip presented with appropriate information (10%)
- 3 separate genre elements presented and clearly explained
- Partner assessment of peer particiation & effort (10%)
- Time requirement met = 10% (group assessment)
- 3
targeted words correctly pronounced during presentation = 30%
(individual assessment)