Set up your public_html directory

Once you have activated your Mason account, you can set up space for your web site.
All web sites on Mason reside in a special public_html folder in your home directory. (In Unix, folders are called directories).
Your public_html directory (folder) will go in your home directory on the Mason server.

Now you can create your public_html directory:

To allow everyone to access your webspace, you need to set permissions:

Permissions set who can read, write, or search (execute) your files and directories. There are three categories of users: the owner or user(you), the group, and others. There are two ways to directly set permissions in UNIX: "absolute" numerical codes (711, 644, etc) and "symbolic" letter codes (o+r, etc). The methods are functionally equivalent, though the numerical codes are more efficient. The "absolute" numerical codes allow you to set all the permissions at once. The letter codes allow you to add or remove a specific permission. More on Unix permissions in the troubleshooting permissions section.

You're now ready to create and upload content to your new webspace.

Dean Taciuch
GMU English Department

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