Dissertation Planning Matrix


Research Questions Goals Sampling Data Collection Analysis Validity Threats Validity Strategies
1. How is online learning used in the University Setting?

To determine the various delivery models, implementations strategies used at the University.

To identify online courses and enrolled students to survey in Phase 2

To provide a picture as to how online learning is being used at the University

Faculty in all programs across the University

Researcher-created survey

University course catalogs

Descriptive Statistics

Possibility of not capturing all courses through survey

Faculty fear of criticism and therefore not participating

Seek out help from Provost Office and /or college and department technology support personnel

Project a non-threatening posture

2. What features of quality online courses are recognized as present or absent by students? To assess the use of best practices in online course design, delivery, and instruction as cited in the literature All available students enrolled in online courses at the Undergraduate and Graduate level during a specified semester

Researcher-created survey with close-ended questions

Quantitative: Descriptive statistics

Researcher-creasted survey has not been tested on a large scale misleading questions created by inexperienced researcher

Survey may limit students' ability to articulate perception; survey reflects the words of the researcher and inventive features of design, implementation may not be captured in survey.

Enlist experts to review survey and provide feedback on content and length as well a pilot test the instrument with non-eligible participants


Use open-ended question to capture student perceptions in their own words and to search for discrepant cases

3. What are students' perceptions about the effectiveness of these features whether present or absent in their learning? To assess the impact of quality features on learning from the student perspective.
4. What are students' perceptions about the quality of their learning in the online course? To assess the overall impact on learning in online courses provided by the University Researcher-created survey with open-ended questions Qualitative: categorizing and comparison, coding, themes Students' perceptions influenced by characteristics brought into the course and/or the participation in a hybrid environment


Use of demographic information such as online course experience as well as inclusion of separate questions for hybrid courses to tease out possible influences

Dissertation Planning

Conceptual Framework and Narrative for Study Proposal

Initial References