
Take the Objectivist Test


Student Name____________________
Class Period _______________________

Multiple Choice Objectivist Theory Test

1. Which answer best reflects an Objectivist learning environment? Chose one:
o Students work mostly at seat-work and individual tasks.
o Students work in cooperative groups with clearly defined tasks.
o Students work in collaborative groups in which the groups make decisions regarding planning, implementing, and evaluating their work, making explicit use of multiple and differing points of view.

2. Which answer best reflects an Objectivist learning environment? Chose one:
o Students solve problems or respond to questions with unequivocal answers.
o Students work independently to review, summarize, and synthesize existing materials to solve problems and conduct research, without drawing their own conclusions.
o Students are engaged in research and problem solving where there are multiple perspectives and a variety of individual and team-based solution strategies, e.g., Socratic dialogue, brainstorming and categorizing, individual and group summarizing, and debriefing.

3. Which answer best reflects an Objectivist learning environment? Chose one:
o Tasks focus on the basics, and there is attention to mastery of specific facts, e.g., drill and practice, recall questions, integrated learning systems, and decontextualized problems.
o Tasks are novel, involve higher order thinking, and require many days or weeks to complete.
o Tasks are complex and designed so that the students have to stretch conceptually and take greater responsibility for learning.

4. Which answer best reflects an Objectivist learning environment? Chose one:
o Tasks are content-specific and designed to focus on specific skills and concepts.
o Tasks are content-specific but connections are made across disciplines through chronological or thematic alignment. Teachers maintain their discipline-centered expertise while attempting to help students make connections across disciplines.
o Multiple disciplines must be integrated in order to complete a task or solve a problem. Teachers and other support staff, e.g., library media specialists, take responsibility for more than one discipline and assist students in making connections across disciplines.

5. Which answer best reflects an Objectivist learning environment? Chose one:
o Students complete assignments individually, and the sharing of ideas and resources is seldom actively encouraged.
o Students work together on highly structured tasks. Student roles are defined and controlled by the teacher.
o Projects and other instructional tasks are designed to be completed by groups, and students are encouraged to share ideas and resources. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for defining problems, setting goals, learning to evaluate and use information resources, and assessing their progress.

Adapted from North Central Regional Educational Laboratory; Learning with Technology Profile Tool
http://www.ncrtec.org/capacity/profile/profwww.htm (Take the Constructivist Test)


By: Sandi Redman & Dawn Hathaway
March 1, 2005
EDIT 732