Yang Long
Statistics PhD Student @ George Mason University

Hello and Welcome! I am currently a third-year PhD student in Statistics at the College of Engineering and Computing, George Mason University. I am fortunate to be advised by Professor David Kepplinger and Professor Lily Wang. My research focuses on developing robust (non-)parametric statistical methods and efficient algorithms for linear regression, spatial data, and hyper-spectral images.
Before coming to GMU, I have lived in New York City for four years where I worked as a quantitative research associate for a hedge fund and earned my master’s degree in statistics from CUNY – Baruch College. Prior to that, I obtained an MS in Finance degree from the University of Rochester and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.
My research interests include robust statistics, non-/semi-parametric methods, non-convex optimization, time series analysis, and functional data analysis.