“Bus Patrols Added After Hold Up Death,” Washington Post, May 18, 1968.
“Bus Drivers Refuse Again to Carry Cash at Night,” Washington Post, May 20, 1968.
“D.C. Driver Slain in Holdup,” In Transit, June 1968.
The Union
“Bus Runs Cut as Drivers Refuse to Carry Cash,” Washington Post, May 21, 1968.
In Transit, June 1968.
“Bus Talks Fail; Halt Looms,” Washington Post, May 23, 1968.
Yardstick, June 10, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“Msgr. Higgins Named to Mediate Bus Drivers,” NC News Service, May 24, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“D.C. Bus Strike Averted,” Washington Post, May 24, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“Bus Drivers Vote 10-Day Walk Off Delay,” The Washington Daily News, May 24, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“689 News,” Trades Unionist, July 5, 1968.
The Company
“Bus Firm Rejects Scrip, Board Orders Hearing,” Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“Police Protection Only Solution to Transit Crime Problem,” The Examiner, [May 26—June 1, 1968], Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
“Profit is Derailed,” Washington Post, January 25, 1973
Transit Fact Book, 1969—1970 (Washington: American Public Transit Association), 4, 10.
Stephen C. Swaim, Transit for the 70s: Why Public Transit is Dying, a Strategy for Revitilization (Washington: Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1972), 2—4, 6.
Washington Post, November 28, 1971.
“Will all Bus Service End Tonight?” The Washington Daily News, May 23, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
The Scrip
“Bus Patrols Added After Hold Up Death,” Washington Post, May 18, 1968.
“Bus Drivers Again Refuse to Carry Cash at Night,” Washington Post, May 20, 1968.
“Bus Negotiations Focus on Plan to Use Scrip,” Washington Post, May 28, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, Order No. 822, June 1, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
The Evening Star, June 5, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.
Marvin E. Lewis, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission Order No. 843, July 25, 1968, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives;
“689 News,” Trades Unionist, July 6, 1968.
“689 News,” Trades Unionist, October 12, 1968.
“Exact Fare Cuts Robbery In Buses In Major Cities” New York Times, August 31, 1969, Box 84, Folder 24, George G. Higgins Papers, The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives.