Vijay K. Shah

Assistant Professor, George Mason University

328 Research Hall
10401 York River Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: +1 703-993-6757

Vijay is an Assistant Professor in the Cybersecurity Engineering (CYSE) Department in the School of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University (GMU), Virginia, USA since 2021. Prior to joining Mason, he was a Research Assistant Professor in the Bradley Department of ECE at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA and was affiliated with Wireless@Virginia Tech Research Lab since 2019.

My research interests focus on the experimental research and prototyping of next-generation cellular communication systems in the following key research areas.

  • 6G wireless communications and networking
  • Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) and xApps/rApps
  • O-RAN security, privacy and testing
  • AI/ML for wireless networks
  • Dynamic Spectrum Sharing in Satellite Bands
  • mmWave Networks
  • 5G/NR positioning systems
  • Space/Non-terrestrial networks

My research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation ( NSF ), National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST), National Telecommunications and Information Administration ( NTIA), Commonwealth Cyber Initiative ( CCI). I am an Adjunct faculty member of the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. I am also a faculty member of Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), a Virginia state-wide initiative to foster 5G wireless, autonomous systems, data and cybersecurity research.

Check out my NextG lab website for latest research updates.


  • April 2024 [Grant] Our project "M2- NET: An Integrated Access and Backhaul Millimeter-wave Wireless Network for Campus Connectivity and Research" has been funded by the NSF.
  • Feb. 2024 [Paper Acceptance] Three regular papers (two on 12 GHz spectrum sharing and one on O-RAN privacy) are accepted to IEEE DySPAN 2024.
  • Jan. 2024 [Grant] Our project "A Holistic Cybersecurity Testing Framework for 5G Radio Access Networks" has been awarded by NTIA under Wireless Innovation Fund. This is in collaboration with Virginia Tech, Penn State and WPI.
  • Dec. 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "System-level Analysis of Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Intelligence in O-RAN based Cellular Networks" has been accepted to ACM WiSec 2024.
  • Dec. 2023 [Grant] Our project "Fingerprinting Technology for Enhancing 5G/NextG O-RAN Supply Chain Risk Management" has been awarded by CCI Northern Virginia Node under the CCI proposal call "Research in Supply Chain Risk Management". This is in collaboration with PFP Cybersecurity Inc.
  • Dec. 2023 [NTIA RIC Demo Forum] Our IMPACT (Interference Mitigation with Power Adaptation and Classification of Traffic) xApp has been selected for "lightning talk" presentation at the NTIA RIC Demo Forum [link]. This is in collaboration with Northeastern University.
  • Dec. 2023 [Service] Dr. Shah invited to serve on the TPC for MobiHoc 2024.
  • Nov. 2023 [Grant] Our project "AI-Enabled Efficient Testing and Evaluation for RU, DU, and CU Components of 5G Radio Access Networks" has been awarded by NTIA under Wireless Innovation Fund. This is in collaboration with Michigan State University.
  • Nov. 2023 [O-RAN ALLIANCE Honorable Mention] Our "FEMO-CLOUD" project has been recognized with honorable mention by O-RAN Alliance Next Generation Research Group (nGRG). [link]
  • Nov. 2023 [Best Demo Award] Our demo paper "Demonstration of Closed Loop AI-Driven RAN Controllers Using O-RAN SDR Testbed" was awarded the best demo at IEEE MILCOM 2023.
  • Oct. 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "Adaptive RRI Selection Algorithms for Improved Cooperative Awareness in Decentralized NR-V2X" has been accepted to IEEE Access.
  • Oct. 2023 [News] Our NIST project "Assisting Firefighters with 5G Drones" was featured in the GMU College of Engineering and Computing Annual Report 2023. [link]
  • Sep. 2023 [News] Open AI Cellular (OAIC) Platform version 2.0 is out! It has some new key capabilities (i) 5G support, (ii) O-RAN OSC Near-RT RIC and Non-RT RIC, (iii) Lightweight E2 Implementation, (iv) Sample ML-driven xApp, and (v) ZMQ with multiple UE support. If interested, check out our OAIC website for latest updates:
  • Sep. 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our demo paper on "Demonstration of Closed Loop AI-Driven RAN Controllers Using O-RAN SDR Testbed" has been accepted to IEEE MILCOM Demos 2023.
  • Sep. 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "Control Coordination in Inverter-based Microgrids using AoI-based 5G Schedulers" has been accepted to IET Smart Grid 2023.
  • Sep. 2023 [Grant] Our NSF SaTC proposal on "RIS Security" was awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF). This is in collaboration with ASU and CCI/VT.
  • Sep. 2023 [Service] My REU student, Nathan Stephenson and I presented a comprehensive tutorial on Open AI Cellular (OAIC), a 4G/5G O-RAN platform, at IEEE PIMRC 2023, Toronto, Canada.
  • August, 2023 [News] Our Open AI Cellular (OAIC) platform (based on SDRs) has featured National Instruments Wireless Research Customer Stories. Link:
  • August, 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "SenseORAN: O-RAN based Radar Detection in the CBRS Band" has been accepted to IEEE JSAC Special issue on Open RAN, 2023.
  • August, 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "Experimental Study of Adversarial Attacks on ML-based xApps in O-RAN" has been accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 .
  • August, 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Our paper on "Deep Learning Based Fast and Accurate Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems" has been accepted to IEEE MILCOM 2023 .
  • August, 2023 [Grant] Our proposal on "Millimeter Wave IoT networks" was awarded the CCI Fellowship grant.
  • March, 2023 [Grant] Our CCRI proposal on "Space Networks" has been awarded by NSF.
  • Feb, 2023 [Service] Invited to join Editorial Board for Computer Networks.
  • Feb, 2023 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC for WiseML 2023.
  • Feb, 2023 [Paper Acceptance] Interference classification paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless) 2023.
  • Jan, 2023 [Invited Talk] "5G-IPS: 5G-based Indoor Positioning System for Emergency Responders in GPS-limited Indoor Scenarios" at ICDCN workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services (EmeRTeS) 2023.
  • Nov, 2022 [Invited Talk] "Enabling 5G/NextG Network with Open RAN Architectures" at Research Scholar Day at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, India.
  • Nov, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] O-RAN testing framework paper accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 2022
  • Oct, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of ACM MobiHoc 2023.
  • Oct, 2022 [News] Our 5G-IPS project was featured in Mason and
  • August, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] DeepIA paper accepted to IEEE TNSE 2022
  • July, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] UAV backhauling paper accepted to IEEE TNSM 2022
  • June, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] UAV optimization paper accepted to IEEE IoT Journal [ arXiv ].
  • June, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] Interference suppression survey paper accepted to IEEE Access [ arXiv ].
  • June, 2022 [Grant] Our 5G-enabled Indoor Positioning System (5G-IPS) proposal has been funded by the NIST.
  • May, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE COMSNETS 2023.
  • May, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE MILCOM 2022.
  • May, 2022 [PhD Defense] My first PhD student, Biplav Choudhury, (co-advised with Prof. Jeff Reed) successfully defended his PhD dissertation and becomes Dr. Choudhury. Many Congratulations!
  • March, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE SECON 2022.
  • March, 2022 [Paper Acceptance] O-RAN paper accepted to IEEE Network Magazine [ arXiv ].
  • February, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE ICNP 2022.
  • February, 2022 [Service] Invite to serve as one of the Publicity Chair of IEEE SECON 2022.
  • February, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve on the TPC f of SLICES workshop 2022 (in conjunction with IFIP Networking 2022).
  • February, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve as one of the Topic Editor for Frontiers in Space Technology - Research Topic "Space Networks: Inter- and Intra-Connectivity" .
  • January, 2022 [New Members] Vikram and Ta-seen joined NextG Wireless Lab@GMU as PhD students. Welcome on board!
  • January, 2022 [Service] Invited to serve as one of the Topic Editor for Frontiers in Communications and Networks - Research Topic "SDN migration challenges and practices in ISP/Telcos Networks" .
  • December, 2021 [Grant] Two of our NextG Security proposals have been funded by Commonwealth Cyber Initiative under "Securing NextG" program.
  • November, 2021 [Short Talk] Short talk on Open AI Cellular (OAIC) at Open 5G Forum . Find more info on OAIC at here and here .
  • October, 2021 [Service] Review committee member IEEE COMSNETS Posters 2022
  • October, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE SMARTCOMP 2022
  • October, 2021 [Service] TPC member of ACM/IEEE SEC Posters 2021
  • September, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE MILCOM 2021
  • August, 2021 [PhD Defense] Avik Dayal successfully defended his PhD dissertation and becomes Dr. Dayal. Many Congratulations! He will be joining John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
  • August, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE IoT Journal 2021
  • August, 2021 [Grant] NSF SWIFT grant awarded.
  • August, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE MILCOM 2021
  • August, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE GLOBECOM Wireless-Sec 2021
  • August, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE ANTS 2021
  • July, 2021 [Grant] NSF CCRI grant awarded.
  • July, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE MASS 2021
  • June, 2021 [M.S. Thesis Defense] Darshan A. Ravi successfully defended his M.S. thesis defense. Many Congratulations! He will be joining Analog Devices.
  • June, 2021 [GRANT] CCI Research Infrastructure Grant awarded.
  • May, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE Milcom 2021
  • April, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE TNSM 2021
  • April, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
  • April, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to ISIE 2021
  • April, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE REFRESH 2021 . (co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2021)
  • April, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE WiMob 2021
  • April, 2021 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IFIP Networking 2021
  • March, 2021 [Service] Co-chairing ACM 6G-ABS 2021 workshop, co-located with ACM MobiCom 2021
  • March, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE Wi-DroIT 2021 (co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2021)
  • March, 2021 [Service] TPC member of IEEE WPSN 2021 (co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2021)
  • Feb, 2021 [Seminar] Invited Seminar Talk at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), BHU, India. Talk title - "Artificial Intelligence meets 5G Networks"
  • Feb, 2021 [Service] Publicity chair for ACM ICDCN 2022
  • Jan, 2021 [GRANT] Co-PI for an ARL Grant
  • Dec, 2020 [GRANT] PI/Co-PIs for three CCI grants awarded under Cybersecurity Research Collaboration
  • Dec, 2020 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2021
  • Dec, 2020 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to Computer Communications
  • Nov, 2020 [GRANT] Co-PI for a CCI grant under CCI Art and Design Collaboration Program
  • Oct, 2020 [GRANT] Co-PI on a NSF CCRI Planning Grant
  • Sept, 2020 [Seminar] Invited Seminar Talk at Missouri S&T, Rolla. Talk title - "The Freshness of Information: Age of Information and V2X Networks"
  • Aug, 2020 [Paper Acceptance] Paper accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2020

NextG Wireless Lab@GMU

NextG Wireless Lab@GMU is a research group that focuses on research and prototyping of next-generation wireless communications and networking with a focus on 5G/6G cellular systems, Open radio access network (O-RAN), wireless security, AI/ML to wireless, and spectrum sharing. We primarily focus on the experimental research and prototyping of secure, intelligent cellular communication systems, leveraging open cellular software (such as srsRAN), and software-defined radios (such as, USRP X310s and N310s). For more information, check out NextG lab website

Current Projects

  • [NSF] M2- NET: An Integrated Access and Backhaul Millimeter-wave Wireless Network for Campus Connectivity and Research [Link]
  • [NTIA Wireless Innovation Fund] A Holistic Cybersecurity Testing Framework for 5G Radio Access Networks. [Link]
  • [CCI NoVA] Fingerprinting Technology for Enhancing 5G/NextG O-RAN Supply Chain Risk Management. [Link]
  • [NTIA Wireless Innovation Fund] AI-enabled Efficient Testing Methods for 5G O-RAN RU, DU, and CU Components of Radio Access Networks [Link]
  • [NSF SaTC] Securing Next G Millimeter-Wave Communication in Programmable RF Environments with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (SECURIS [Link]
  • [NSF CCRI] Distributed Space and Terrestrial Networking Infrastructure for Multi-Constellation Coexistence [Link]
  • [NIST] 5G-based Indoor Positioning System for Firefighters using UAVs (5G-IPS) [ Link ]
  • [NSF SWIFT] Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Context-aware Spectrum Coexistence dEsign aNd implemenTation in satellite bands (ASCENT). [Link]
  • [NSF CCRI] Collaborative Research: CCRI: New: Open AI Cellular (OAIC): Prototyping Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Control and Testing Systems for Cellular Communications Research. [Link]
  • [CCI Fellows] Open-Milli-IoT: An Open Programmable Platform for mmWave Wireless Internet of Things

Completed Projects

  • [CCI Securing NextG] DoS Attack-Resilient Initial Access for mmWave/THz based NextG Communications.
  • [CCI Securing NextG] Securing Softwarization and Disaggregation in NextG: Call To Disaggregate Trust Management.

Current PostDocs

  • Dara Ron, GMU (Spring 2024 - )
  • Sayanta Seth, GMU (Spring 2024 - )

Current PhD Students

  • Vikramreddy Anapana, GMU (Spring 2022 - )
  • Ta-seen Niloy, GMU (Spring 2022 -)
  • Sarik Dhungel, GMU (Fall 2022 -)
  • Azuka Chiejina, GMU (Fall 2023 -)
  • Pranshav Gajjar, GMU (Fall 2023 - )
  • Sebastian Kwakye, GMU (Fall 2023 -)
  • Abiodun Ganiyu, GMU (Spring 2024 -)

Current Undergraduate Students

  • Nathan Stephenson, GMU (Summer 2022 -)
  • Luis Alejandro Nino Walder, GMU (Spring 2023 - )
  • Nicolas Ammann, GMU (Fall 2023 -)
  • Faisal Yusufzai, GMU (Spring 2024 -)
  • Haris Khalid, GMU (Spring 2024 -)
  • Pranav Choori, GMU (Spring 2024 -)


  • Naveen Sapavath , Postdoc. (Sep., 2022 - Aug., 2023)
    Initial Appointment: Assistant Teaching Professor at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University
  • Biplav Choudhury - Graduated in May, 2022
    Dissertation Title = "Information Freshness: How To Achieve It and It's Impact On Low Latency Autonomous Systems"
    Doctor of Philosphy, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
    Initial Appointment: Senior Inventive Scientist at AT&T Labs
  • Avik Dayal - Graduated in September, 2021
    Dissertation Title = "Practical Algorithms and Analyses for Next-Generation Decentralized Vehicular Networks"
    Doctor of Philosphy, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
    Initial Appointment: Senior Staff at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
  • Darshan A. Ravi - Graduated in June, 2021
    Thesis Title = " Identifying and Prioritizing Critical Information in Military IoT: Video Game Demonstration"
    M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
    Initial Appointment: Wireless Engineer at Analog Devices
Undergrad Student(s)
  1. Brian Luciano , Undergraduate Student at University at Kentucky. Currently at Cisco Corp.
  2. Tej Patel , Undergraduate Student at University of Kentucky. Currently at AillianceBernstein.
  3. Rishabh Patel , Undergraduate Student at IIT Guwahati, India. Currently at JP Morgans.
  4. Parker Jones , Undergraduate Student at Missouri S&T, Rolla. Currently COO at Ellem Inc.


Please find the complete list of publications on Google Scholar.


SenseORAN: O-RAN based Radar Detection in the CBRS Band
Reus-Muns, Guillem, Pratheek S. Upadhyaya, Utku Demir, Nathan Stephenson, Nasim Soltani, Vijay K. Shah, Kaushik R. Chowdhury
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) SI on Open RAN, 2023. [link]

Interference Analysis of Coexisting 5G Networks and NGSO FSS Receivers in the 12 GHz Band
Niloy, Ta-seen Reaz, Zoheb Hassan, Nathan Stephenson, and Vijay K. Shah
in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL), 2023. [paper]

Spectrum sharing of the 12 GHz band with two-way terrestrial 5G mobile services: Motivations, challenges, and research road map.
Hassan, Zoheb, Erika Heeren-Moon, Javad Sabzehali, Vijay K. Shah, Carl Dietrich, Jeffrey H. Reed, and Eric W. Burger
in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2023. [paper]

AI Testing Framework for Next-G O-RAN Networks: Requirements, Design, and Research Opportunities
Bo Tang, Vijay K. Shah, Vuk Marojevic, and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 2022. [arXiv]

Deep Learning for Fast and Reliable Initial Access in AI-Driven 6G mmWave Networks
Tarun Cousik, Vijay K. Shah , Tugba Erpek, Yalin Sagduyu and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), Special Issue on AI-Driven 6G Mobile Wireless Networks: Key Enabling Theories, Architectures, Protocols and Techniques, 2022. [arXiv]

Towards Next Generation Open Radio Access Network -- What O-RAN Can and Can not Do!
Aly S. Abdalla, Pratheek S. Upadhyaya, Vijay K. Shah, and Vuk Marojevic
IEEE Network Magazine 2022. [arXiv]

RAN Slicing in Multi-MVNO Environment under Dynamic Channel Conditions
Darshan A. Ravi, Vijay K. Shah, Chengzhang Li, Thomas Hou, and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 2021. [arXiv]

Exploring Biological Robustness for Reliable Multi-UAV Networks
Krishnandu Hazra, Vijay K. Shah, Satyaki Roy, Swaraj Deep, Sujoy Saha and Subrata Nandi
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vo. 18, Issue 3, 2021

3D Placement and Orientation of mmWave-based UAVs for Guaranteed LoS Coverage
Javad Sabzehali, Vijay K. Shah, Harpreet Dhillon, and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Wireless Communication Letters (WCL), Vol. 10, Issue 8, 2021. [arXiv]

A Diverse Band-aware Dynamic Spectrum Access Network Architecture for Delay-Tolerant Smart City Applications
Vijay K. Shah, Brian Luciano, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
IEEE Transactions on Network Service and Management (TNSM), Vol. 17, No. 2, 2020

QnQ: Quality and Quantity based Unified Approach for Secure and Trustworthy Mobile Crowdsensing
Vijay K. Shah, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 19, No. 1, 2018

Design of Robust and Efficient Topology using Enhanced Gene Regulatory Networks
Satyaki Roy, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (TMBMC), Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2018

Designing Green Communication Systems for Smart and Connected Communities via Dynamic Spectrum Access
Vijay K. Shah, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Vol. 14, Issue 3-4, 2018

Selected Conference Papers

Preserving Data Privacy for ML-driven Applications in Open Radio Access Networks
Pranshav Gajjar, Azuka Chiejina, and Vijay K. Shah
IEEE DySPAN 2024 (Accepted)

Context-Aware Spectrum Coexistence of Terrestrial Beyond 5G Networks in Satellite Bands
Ta-seen Reaz Niloy, Zoheb Hassan, Rob Smith, Vikram Reddy Anapana, and Vijay K. Shah
IEEE DySPAN 2024 (Accepted)

ASCENT: A Context-Aware Spectrum Coexistence Design and Implementation Toolset for Policymakers in Satellite Bands
Ta-seen Reaz Niloy, Saurav Kumar, Aniruddha Hore, Zoheb Hassan, Carl Dietrich, Eric W. Burger, Jeffrey H. Reed, and Vijay K. Shah
IEEE DySPAN 2024 (Accepted)

System-level Analysis of Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Intelligence in O-RAN based Cellular Networks
Azuka Chiejina, Brian Kim, Kaushik Chowdhury, and Vijay K. Shah
ACM WiSec 2024 (Accepted)

Experimental Study of Adversarial Attacks on ML-based xApps in O-RAN
Sapavath, Naveen, Brian Kim, Kaushik R. Chowdhury, and Vijay K. Shah

Deep Learning based Fast and Accurate Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems
Cousik, Tarun, Vijay K. Shah, Tuyen X. Tran, Rittwik Jana, and Jeffrey H. Reed

Fast Initial Access with Deep Learning for Beam Prediction in 5G mmWave Networks
Tarun Cousik, Vijay K. Shah , Tugba Erpek, Yalin Sagduyu and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2021. [arXiv]

AoI-minimizing Scheduling in UAV-relayed IoT Networks
Biplav Choudhury, Vijay K. Shah, Aidin Ferdowsi, Jeffrey H. Reed, and Y. Thomas Hou
IEEE Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2021. [arXiv]

Power Systems Performance under 5G Radio Access Network in a Co-Simulation Environment
Rahul Iyer, Biplav Choudhury, Vijay K. Shah, and Ali Mehrizi-Sani
IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics, 2021. [arXiv]

Adaptive Semi-Persistent Scheduling for Enhanced On-Road Safety in Decentralized V2X Networks
Avik Dayal, Vijay K. Shah, Biplav Choudhury, Vuk Marojevic, Carl Dietrich, and Jeffrey H. Reed
IFIP Networking, 2021. [arXiv]

Joint Age of Information and Self Risk Assessment of 802.11p based V2V Networks
Biplav Choudhury, Vijay K. Shah, Avik Dayal, Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2021. [arXiv]

Cross-layer Band Selection and Routing Design for Diverse Band-aware DSA Networks
Pratheek S. Upadhyaya, Vijay K. Shah, and Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2020. [arXiv]

Experimental Analysis of Safety Application Reliability in V2V Networks
Biplav Choudhury, Vijay K. Shah, Avik Dayal, Jeffrey H. Reed
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 2020. [arXiv]

Bio-DRN: Robust and Energy-efficient Bio-inspired Disaster Response Networks
Vijay K. Shah, Satyaki Roy, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
IEEE Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2019

X-CHANT: A Diverse DSA based Network Architecture for Next-generation Challenged Networks
Vijay K. Shah, Simone Silvestri, Brian Luciano and Sajal K. Das
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019

Designing Sustainable Smart Connected Communities using Dynamic Spectrum Access via Band Selection
Vijay K. Shah, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
ACM Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), 2017

QnQ: A Reputation Model to Secure Mobile Crowdsourcing Applications from Incentive Losses
Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das
IEEE International Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2017


CYSE 640: Wireless Network Security

Course Description: This graduate-level course provides an in-depth understanding of the security challenges and opportunities associated with key-enabling wireless networking technologies, such as 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. It covers the latest security mechanisms, trends, and practices for securing wireless networks. It has a strong focus on the security risks and challenges associated with wireless networks, including jamming, spoofing, man-in-the-middle attack, MAC-layer misbehavior, cross-layer attacks, and others. Students are presented with a detailed account of more advanced concepts on 5G wireless networks, such as network slicing, Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN), and Software-defined networking (SDN). Various security measures and technologies used to secure wireless networks are explored, including wireless encryption protocols, wireless access control methods, anti-jamming and low probability of detection/intercept (LPD/LPI), wireless intrusion detection and prevention systems.

CYSE 230: Computer Networks

Course Description: This undergraduate-level course introduces network concepts; OSI reference model and layering; data coding; analog/digital communications review; physical layer and data link control; Data Link Layer Control protocols; flow control; error control; link management; common link protocols. LAN and WAN; connection-oriented and connectionless packet switching; circuit-switched networks and control signaling; congestion control and traffic management; transport layer client-server model; domain name systems, routing methods.

CYSE 211: Operating Systems and Lab

Course Description: This undergraduate-level course addresses basic issues such as virtual memory, kernel and user mode, system calls, threads, context switches, interrupts, interprocess communication, coordination of concurrent activities. It also covers topics on concurrency, processes and multi-threading, context switching, synchronization, scheduling, and deadlock, memory management, dynamic memory allocation, address translation, management of file systems, storage devices, directories, protection, scheduling and crash recovery.

CYSE 610: Networks and Cybersecurity

Course Description: This graduate-level course focuses on key aspects of access control mechanisms, including, DAC and MAC. Furthermore, it covers architecture and protocols of computer networks. Topics includes ISO standard layer model, physical interfaces and protocols, data link control, routing and flow control, wireless communications, network security and privacy and various examples of computer networks. Security threats and countermeasures are addressed in detail to include firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, physical security and network monitoring. Various malware detection schemes and cryptography techniques will be discussed.


Best Demo Paper Award at IEEE MILCOM 2023.

Honorable mention by O-RAN Alliance's Next Generation Research Group (nGRG) for our proposal effort on "O-RAN related 6G research"

Nominated by the students for 2023 George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award (Ineligible to advance to the final ground due to requirement of having completed at least three years of full-time teaching at George Mason.)

Recipient of Tau Beta Pi College of Engineering Outstanding Computer Science Ph.D. Student Award for consecutive years - 2019 (Winner) and 2018 (Finalist).

2017 - 2018
Recipient of three best poster awards during PhD study.
  • Best poster award at both first and second Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit (CCS2) 2017 and 2018, organized by the University of Kentucky.
  • Poster award at 2017 CS Student (Ph.D. Category) Research Poster Competition (CSSRPC) organized by Computer Science Department at Missouri S&T, Rolla, USA (Second position)

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