Mason University
Department of Economics
University Department of Economics
Thomas Rustici's Weblog
Science of Economics
Scholarship and Commentary by
Thomas Rustici
Public Choice View of the Minimum Wage in Cato Journal
Individual Health Risk From Health Insurance? Incremental Regulation Versus
Market Choices at Competitive Enterprise Institute
Other Scholarship
J. Boudreaux
Policy & Economics Links
Institutes and Foundations
Rand Institute
for the Advancement of Capitalism
for Freedom and Prosperity
for the Study of Public Choice
Enterprise Institute
for Individual Rights in Education
for Economic Education
::Fund for American
of Freedom Foundation
on Political Journalism
Center for Economic Science
Electronic Markets
M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy
::Library of
Economics and Liberty
Locke Institute
::Mercatus Center
Center For Public Policy Research
Economy Research Center
Choice Foundation
of Reason
::Volokh Conspiracy
Online History
DiIanni's Required Readings in Economics
Rummels' Webpage
of Communism
History Services
of Economics Online
University Archive for the History of Economic Thought
Your Knowledge of Communist History

Law 108: Economic Foundations of Legal
This course is designed to
familiarize students with the fundamentals of microeconomic theory.
The central focus this course takes is an understanding of the
process of price formation in a free exchange economy. We rigorously
examine the various legal rules and economic incentives that operate
within the constitutional free enterprise system. Market
institutions such as: the firm, advertising, profit-loss mechanism,
futures speculation, and property rights are explored for their role
in the coordination of economic activity. Finally these principles
are applied to the larger issues of economic regulation,
environmental quality, and the “political marketplace” of
representative democracy.
Online Class Readings
- Thomas Rustici,
Public Choice View of The Minimum Wage
- D. Deere, K. M. Murphy, and Finis Welch,
and Nonsense on the Minimum Wage
- Hugh Rockoff,
Price Controls
- Walter Block,
- David Ricardo,
On Foreign Trade
- Frederic Bastiat,
The Candlemaker’s Petition
- Ronald Coase, The Nature
Of The Firm Economica, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 16. (Nov.,
1937), pp. 386-405
- A. Alchian and H. Demsetz,
Production, Information Costs
and Economic Organization The American Economic Review,
Vol. 62, No. 5. (Dec., 1972), pp. 777-795
- James Madison, Federalist
10 &
- Richard Posner, Taxation
by Regulation The Bell Journal of Economics and Management
Science, Vol. 2, No. 1. (Spring, 1971), pp. 22-50.
- George Stigler, The
Theory of Economic Regulation The Bell Journal of Economics
and Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1. (Spring, 1971), pp.
- F. McChesney, Rent
Extraction and Rent Creation in the Economic Theory of Regulation
The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1. (Jan., 1987),
pp. 101-118.
- Bruce Yandle, Bootleggers and Baptists
- Fred S. McChesney,
- Faith, Roger L, Leavens, Donald R, Tollison, Robert D,
Antitrust Pork Barrel Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 25, No. 2. (Oct., 1982),
pp. 329-342.
- John McGee, Predatory
Price Cutting: The Standard Oil (NJ) Case Journal of Law
and Economics, Vol. 1. (Oct., 1958), pp. 137-169.
- Independent Institute:
Theory, Evidence,
and Examples of FDA Harm
- W. Kip Viscusi,
- John Baden and Richard Stroup, Saving the Wilderness Reason
13(July): 28–36
- Robert Smith,
Resolving the Tragedy of the Commons
- Terry Anderson,
Nature’s Entrepreneurs
- Fred Smith,
Risks and the Modern World
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