Websites For Beginners

a girl on a computer

Module 6 Updates: Findability, Usability, and Accessibility


Running my code through WAVE, I had 0 errors with 2 alerts and 1 contrast errosr. The alerts related to links, one a suspicious link (meaning the link contains text that would seem like nonsense out of context. I'm not entirely sure if I know what that means. I copied the link and put it in the code, so I'm not sure what part of the link is considered suspicious.) and the other a redudndant link (meaning two links go to the same place.) The contrast error indicated that I had a very low color contrast between the foreground and background of my webpages. Looking back, I noticed that I used a lighter shade variety which could provide some discomfort for people with lower vision as the colors tend to blend as one scrolls.

Running the code throughthe W3C CSS Validation Service, my code came up with 3 errors: one being related to the footer and two relating to the hovers in CSS.

Running the code through the NU HTML Checker, my code received 14 errors. 7 of the errors related to the meta data, so I was not sure hwo to approach fixing those. Two related to aligning images, one concerned aligning iframe, and three went back to center errors (2 were considered obsolete and 1 the center was not allowed in context with h3.


WAVE: For the color contrast error, I went bakc and changed the color of my background to something a little darker to enhance the contrast between the grounds. For the alerts, I was not quite sure what to do because they did not seem to be that much of a problem.

W3C CSS: I went back into my CSS code to check the footer and hover section and noticed for each error I neglected to add a specific color. I noticed that when I hovered over the bottom links the colot did not change, but I did not think anything of it. Now, I went back and added the color, but for the footer, I removed the color section because I did not think it was necessary to add it.

Nu HTML: The 7 meta data errors I did not bother fixing because I was not even sure what to fix about them. The align errors about image, iframe, and center advised that instead of aligning those in the HTML code I should align them in CSS.

Testing in multiple browsers:

Mac 10.8, Safari 6.2: Good!.

Google Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit): Good!