619:003 / Spring 2005 / Susan Tichy / George Mason
What to do before today: Or, draft of a collage poem interacting with
a source text. What to read before today: Keith A. Smith: Text in the Book Format, through page 60 A Book of the Book: Keith A. Smith: The Book
as Physical Object
McCaffery & Nichol: The Book as Machine Young: Notation & the Art of Reading McGann: Composition as Explanation Joan Retallack: "Icarus Falling" Afterimages Class Photocopies, Pack 1: Drucker: Linguistic Authority & the Visual Text Johanna Drucker: a few pages from A History of
The/My Wor(l)d.
Granary Books 1995. What we'll do in class / what to bring: At 7:30, book artist Brad Freeman will give a presentation on his work. In the second half, we will discuss page space & the book as physical object For Next Week: A handmade or altered book for which you have created an itinerary other than simple sequential page turning. |