HTML Structures

The three most important elements of an XHTML document
  • html
  • head
  • body

  • The HTML element
  • Every XHTML document contains a start "html" tag and an end "/html"tag
  • Considered as the root element
  • Encloses the headsection and the bodysection

  • The head section
  • Containsinformation about the XHTML document, such as
  • A title
    • Names a web page, Usually appears in the colored bar (called the title bar) at the top of the browser window. This is the text identifying a page when users add your page to their list of Favoritesor Bookmarks
  • Style-sheet(formatting instructions)
  • JavaScript (dynamic web pages))

  • The body section
  • Contains page’s content that the browser displays when a user visits the page
  • Includes text and tags