HTML Introduction

Before going to HTML directly lets know some interesting stuff: What is World wide web? Well it is a result of confluence of three developments.
  • Fast Computers
  • Internet
  • Hyper text theory
  • Situations in 1997

  • Static web pages, “Soft brochures”, Webmasters, HTML, CGI, JavaScript
  • 1998-1999

  • Dynamic HTML Programs (poorly written) Confused webmasters ASP, CSS
  • 2000-2004

  • Web applications ECommerce+ Web services WebManager+ programmers, DB, network, UI, graphics designers, Java (JSP, Servlets, beans), {HT,U,X}ML, Component-based .NET
  • 2004 - till

  • Web application frameworks Struts, Spring, JSF Web 2.0 AJAX J2EE/Java EE 6 Web services -RESTful JPA/Hibernate Widespread enterprise applications
  • Currently, there are more than 50 billion pages on the internet