Shou Matsumoto

Research Assistant Professor

C5I Center, GMU

208 Research Hall, Fairfax Campus, MSN 4B5

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Short Bio

Shou Matsumoto is a research assistant professor at the ​C5I Center, George Mason University, Virginia. He earned his Ph.D. ​in Systems Engineering and Operations Research at George Mason ​University (2019) and M.S. in Computer Science at Universidade de ​Brasília (2011, Brazil). Shou has experience in Artificial Intelligence ​and Software Product Line Engineering, and he worked mainly in ​fields involving Bayesian Networks, probabilistic ontologies, ​domain engineering, SOA & BPM, model-based systems ​engineering, and agile software development processes.

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Organized and diligent Software Engineer and researcher in ​Artificial Intelligence, drawing upon 10+ years’ experience ​designing and developing software and algorithms, primarily in ​Java programming language.

Worked primarily on Bayesian Networks, probabilistic ​ontologies, first-order probabilistic reasoning, software product ​line, SOA & BPM, model-based systems engineering, database ​management, and agile development processes (e.g., Extreme ​Programming and Scrum).

Lead developer of UnBBayes, a probabilistic network framework ​written in Java. It has both a GUI and an API with inference, ​sampling, learning and evaluation.