Marie Skelton



Chapter 7: The Inverted Pyramid



I.                    The Inverted Pyramid

II.                 The Lead

III.               Alternate Leads

IV.              The rest of the Pyramid

V.                 Multiple Element Stories

VI.              Tips for Writing



I. The Inverted Pyramid

- The Inverted Pyramid is still the most relied on method of news writing.

- In this format, information is ranked from most to least important.

- It was created to meet time and space requirements. Time is saved by the reader who can quickly ascertain the most important information. This format also allows editors to shorten stories by cutting from the bottom first, therefore saving space.

- The lead is therefore the most important part of the news story.

- One problem with this style is that it encourages people to stop reading before the story is finished.


II. The Lead

- Lead should include who, what, where, when and if possible the why and how.

- The lead should use simple, concise language while still covering all the relevant facts.

- Always consider your audience and the relevance the story has to that audience, this helps to determine the who, what, where, when, why and how.

- Always keep the lead under 25 words.

- Avoid quotes in the lead.

- Avoid numbers in the lead.

III. Alternate Leads

- Immediate Identification leads use the name when it is known to most of the audience.

- Delayed Identification leads are often used when titles are long and bulky.

- Summary leads are used if the whole is more important than any one part.

- Multiple Element leads are used when two or more actions are of equal importance.

- Leads with Flair are used when you can appropriately match creativity with the subject matter.


IV. The Rest of the Pyramid

- Continue to rank information in order from most to least important

- Introduce additional information.

- Indicate the ‘so-what’ factor.

- Develop and elaborate on ideas in the lead.


V. Multiple Element Stories

Multiple element stories can be confusing to the reader. If possible try to write more than one story. Including a summary box can make information easier to read.


VI. Story Writing Tips

- Always check names

- Attribute opinion

- Write for the audience – what relevance does this story have the audience?