EDIT 742


George Mason University
Summer 2007

  robot made with legos

Game Notes

As a teacher my experience with be a games was limited to the drill types of games such as math baseball.  I did not like the way I saw teachers using those games as a babysitter while they were busy.  It seemed like they limited the computer to one of its more basic possibilities while missing tremendous potential!

Games such as “Hidden Treasures of Al-Jabr” and “Concert Tour Entrepreneur” can give students many more dimensions in learning.

Concert Tour Entrepreneur 

June 2, 2007

I started the CD easily.  The readers were engaging for the first several slides but then the slides weren’t read.  My students would need the words read to them. 

It was interesting to see that one of the factors was the band’s ability to arrive on time.  The agent’s cut and numbers of concerts played were also considerations.  The music samples were varied and enjoyable.  I can see students choosing before they listen to very many of the choices.  I was surprised to see the range of agent’s cuts and times late.  There are 24 bands with a range of agent fees from 10 to 34% and times late from 0 – 90 %.    

Students may need to have a grid they can fill out so they can remember the information. 



Agent’s cut

Previous concerts

Times Late


My Rating

MC Squared






Number one

Los Datos






Number three


R & B





Number two















 The player has a choice to accept the offer or negotiate. The negotiations give a sliding bar for the agent’s cut.  There were ten categories of information needed from a “to do” list to “the effects of advertising.”  There was also to help section four bands selection and about the game.  It looks like this might be the type of game that students can both enjoy and learn without realizing it.  It also avoids the common theme violence.  I’m anxious to find out more about the information given.


June 3, 2007

 The program kept freezing my computer  tried 6 times with a variety of shut down procedures etc.


June 6, 2007

Tried again after class.  Made sure that the computer was warmed up but didn’t try to do any other programs first.

It worked!  I went to the information menu and checked out the “To Do” list.  The suggestions were comprehensive and varied.  From reading magazines to planning rehearsals & rest.  4 things to do before the band choice and 7 after.  In the magazine they had the types of music and how they were received in different cities.  Looking at that let me know that when I choose a band it would be wise to use that resource to plan. 

The graph shows that cities that enjoy rap are: Fermat, Khayyam, Touring Station, and Wilestown.    I would stay away from Chu.  Reading graphs is helpful with this.  It also has tips to follow that can help get the most out of your expenses.  

I chose MC Squared which is a Rap band.  28 concerts and was never late!

We have $50,000 with a $60, 000 loan.  Not sure where the other 10,000 went.  There is also a radio to listen to gauge what kind of music is popular.  There is a schedule book to plan concerts & rest,  This game has a lot! 


June 6, 2007

This game is amazing!  The schedule has a few recreation events already in it and there are drag and drop icons for rehearsals, advertising, concerts, etc.  There is also a mileage chart with all the possible cities and towns and a map to find out where they are.   It looks like the first concert should be in Touring Station, because that city enjoys rap and that’s where we are so we could start earning money. Then the band should go to Khayyam, Wilestown, and Fermat.  Each city has information about how much it would cost to have a concert in each of three establishments.  A player could choose one that looks more advantageous or one that costs less money.  I have chosen the least expensive place for the first concert.  The concert is scheduled for January 7.   Then you have to choose the type of advertising word of mouth, print, radio, and TV.  Each one costs a different amount and the money you spend is subtracted from the amount of money you had in your pocket.  I choose radio at $3,490.00.  Then the player chooses prices for the seating.  There are three types of seats and it lists how many seats are in each section.  I chose $40.00, $30.00, and $20.00. There is a bank section where you make loans, deposits, and withdrawals.  There is a spreadsheet to track the expenses, and income.  It looks very similar to aid in XL spreadsheet with tools to create graphs and compute finances.  Souvenirs can be bought, priced, and then sold to add to the income.  I spent a $1020.00 on merchandise and then needed to set the prices.  There are also spread sheets for profits from the band, merchandise, and miscellaneous expenses.  As I was about to play my next concert I got a deal that showed up a concert for a set price in one of the town’s that is a bit farther away but has an interest in rap music.  At that point at either accept or decline. 

It has a little movie clip of the concert and a news story accusing the band of lip synching the songs.  There is a chart about how many tickets were sold and how much merchandise were sold.  We earned over $36,000.00 but the net sales were $22,000.00.  I deposited $50,000.00 and a earn 7% interest beach month. 

This would be an amazing way to learn about how businesses can make or lose money. 


June 7, 2007

I made sure I tried the program when the computer was warmed up but with all other programs closed.  It seems to like that.  I have checked out all the links but can’t seem to find a link to schedule another concert. 

It is very detailed & realistic with the amount of choices & consequences.


June 7, 2007

I finally found out how to schedule a concert by dragging the concert icon onto the schedule.  I tried to schedule a concert but I put most of my money in the bank so I need to go get $3000. put in my pocket so I can reserve the venue.  I chose the middle one this time because there were more seats, it was a little more upscale yet the cost was not that much more.  I’m off to the bank!

OK math majors!  DON”T laugh!  I mixed up the decimals & need more money!  Back to the bank!  (realistic for an 8th grader don’t you think!)

I went back to the cheapest venue until I have more money.  I learned that I could have charged more for the top tickets, but should’ve charged less for the least expensive tickets.  I have adjusted that for this concert.  I also ordered more t shirts and many more posters. Now let’s see how I do!


                                    COSTS                         SALES                                                

Total Costs

Total Sales

Hall Rental























































Although I did much better this time the money in the pocket doesn’t show it!

June 7, 2007

OOOPS!  I’m hooked! 

After depositing money I paid first loan, and set up another concert.  I found out that all my caps sold but I still had 180 tee shirts left & 60 posters left so I bought more caps and a few more posters. Then I took $5.00 off of the tee shirts.  Excess inventories may have been to blame for the cut in profits. We’ll see how I did this time!


June 9, 2007

Oh my GOSH!!!! I resumed the game and decided to play the next concert.  I got a message that the band leader was sick so the rest of the band refused to play.  The concert was canceled!!!  What a Loss! That was the day after the band’s birthday party.  HMMMMMM.

I went to schedule the next concert but had to go back to the bank to get some money. It is interesting.  I put my money in the bank but have not seen the 7% interest that was promised.  I have a very hard time with decimal points.  This game is encouraging me to be more careful when reading them! 

Now I need to choose mode of advertisement by comparing price, effectiveness graph, & time before the concert.  I chose radio as a medium priced but more effective in the long run.  I still have tee shirts etc. from the cancelled concert.  

I just lost my shirt!!!!  I forgot to set prices for the seats so the only prophets I got were from the tee shirts!  Not enough to help with the price of the venue! 

Now I set another concert but BEFORE I play it I will review my To Do list!!!!  See I’m learning! 

I did better this time.  Net sales are up!!! $ 33,647 with net sales $3,739 for merchandise!  YEAH!!!!  Unfortunately the canceled concert and the mistake of unknowingly giving a free concert really did me in!  I’m not sure I can recover!  I’ll try one more time. 

Although the hints and actions needed are good they repeat rather than change as a result of what I have done.  The money does change.  Perhaps middle school students could do this!

Next concert net sales $9,900.  Not nearly as good as the last one.  Perhaps advertising helps after all!  Next concert $12,000.  I’m building.  Just hope Max doesn’t get sick again!  Next concert $29,674!  Advertising does play a major role! Whew!

I raised the price of the lowest priced seats, advertised, & set the concert just before the loan is due.  Now I will get all the posters I can get.  (They cost the least!) Got fingers crossed!!!

Net sales $29,950!  I can pay the loan!!!! I notices that the interest does not actually add to your bank account and you can’t pay bills from the account so there is no incentive to use the bank except to pay back the loan.  That sends an unfortunate message.  Saving is not encouraged.

Well after 10 concerts and 3 loan payments I can’t schedule another concert until I take out another loan.  I think I will start with another band next session!  I will try one of the bands that is always late but has other good ratings. 

After loosing $40,000 on 2 concerts back to back, I have learned quite a bit!

June 12, 2007

For my new game I will get a 3 month loan at 14% rather than 4 month loan at 20%.  I hope that helps.  I still think the first and I chose was the best. So I will stick with them. No more free concerts though!

After my first concert net sales were $102,000.00. I think I’m on the right track but I’m not sure where the money is going. When I look at the money I have in my pocket I only have 60,000 one happened to the rest? I didn’t realize that most of my lower priced tickets did not sell so I lowered the price.  Other tickets sold well so I figure there prices are pretty good. 

Net sales for the second concert with $36,650.  Seems like a big drop. I’m anxious to see how much money goes into my pocket. For $36,000.00 net gain Only put $3,878.00 in my pocket now I’m really wondering.

Net sales were $30,677. Some of the posters did not sell. 500 was probably too many to buy.  Other things look pretty good.  I’m going to go back to the other city where I and more money. 

I went back to the first city and realized that the radio announcements cost more, the venue cost more, but the net profits were also more. Net sales were $179,808.00.  Faulty shards caps and posters were sold this time. Hopefully I’ll have enough money to pay back part of the loan.

I now have $84,927.00 in my pocket. I paid $47,000.00 on the loan.  Once you get the hang of the game he it’s more of our routine and you get in the groove.  Then you notice little things that you can do to make bigger profits.


June 14, 2007

In Electric Worlds in the Classroom, Slator lists effective design strategies that can be incorporated into video games. Teachers often see the games that include very few of those strategies.  They don’t realize the far reaching effects that games can actually have.  The games I have seen in my elementary computer lab often have different spaces for students to explore. Those spaces have motivating games that concentrate on drill and practice of skills.  http://www.funbrain.com/   is a favorite site of teachers at some of my schools.  I looked at “Math Baseball”.  It has simple directions with several choices.  A student can choose:

·        Any or all of the four basic computation operations,

·        With a partner or alone,

·        Algebra style or not, and

·        Level of difficulty.

The child answers math problems and swings to score runs.  When a problem is answered wrong it is an out. 

Although these types of educational games may have a place, they lack the variety of skills and learning opportunities learned and practiced in games that have more of the strategic design features Slator identifies. 

Here is a grid comparing the 3 games I have tried so far.


Math Baseball

Hidden Treasures of Al-Jabr

Concert Tour Entrepreneur

Role Based



Band manager

Goal Oriented

Accumulate runs

Accumulate treasures

Pay loans and earned a lot of money

Learning by doing





Not really

The environments that are pictured give the feeling of being in a cave or at a dig.

This game shows many aspects of the band business.  It includes maps with cities, mileage to get to the cities, graphs to compare the type of music enjoyed in those cities, different choices of places for the band to play, choosing the prices of tickets, and souvenirs.  This is definitely what I would call immersive!

Spatially oriented

Not really



















Software agents


I think this one may have had the software teach and


Unobtrusive tutoring

When the student gets the answer wrong an explanation is written

This game give hints when a student seems to be having trouble org is a wrong answer

This game has hints built in what is not give specific hints when students make poor decisions.  It would be important to have feedback discussions with the group of players.

The hidden Treasure of Al-Jabr


I didn’t think that the program loaded but it worked after the computer was rebooted.  It has interesting graphics & sounds.  I like the practice for making equations.  It is self correcting & uses hieroglyphic type pictures that illustrate the equations.  It seems like it would be an interesting way to practice some of the Algebra skills.  The practice for balanced equations was quite clever!  The learner must put pictures of items on the scale so that it is balanced.  It tells the kids the relationship of the weights. For example, 2 sphinxes equals 1 pyramid.  It is also self correcting. The 3rd game the students must order 3 jars with jewels from most expensive to least expensive.    I can see students enjoying the challenges.

I didn't think it loaded but I guess the computer just needed to be rebooted.

shutterbugbug15: It has clues, and equation  tablet and a place to write notes

Robot powered Egg drop 2 Motorized robots built from legos     Fly'n Trike motorized Lego robot

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