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George Mason University School of Law

Professor Steven J. Eagle


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Regulatory Takings (Fifth Edition)

Lexis Publishing (New York: 2012) (with annual supplements).

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Book Chapters

Kelo v. City of New London: A Tale of Pragmatism Betrayed

Eminent Domain Use and Abuse: Kelo in Context (Dwight Merriam & Mary Massaron Ross, eds., American Bar Association (2006).

Tahoe-Sierra and Its Implications for Takings Law

Taking Sides on Takings Issues: The Impact of Tahoe-Sierra, 15-29 (Thomas E. Roberts, ed., American Bar Association 2003).

Protecting Property from Unjust Deprivations beyond Takings: Substantive Due Process, Equal Protection, and State Legislation

Taking Sides on Takings Issues: Public and Private Perspectives 511-554 (Thomas E. Roberts, ed., American Bar Association 2002).

Devolutionary Proposals and Contractarian Principles

The Fall and Rise of Freedom of Contract 184-191 (F. H. Buckley, ed., Duke University Press 1999).

Encyclopedia Entries:

The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (Kermit L. Hall, ed., Oxford University Press) (Second ed. 2005).

Entries on Carlton v. United States (149), Eastern Enterprises v. Apfel (281), Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council (596-97), and United States v. Winstar Corporation (1092-93).

The Oxford Companion to American Law (Kermit L. Hall, ed., Oxford University Press 2002).

Entries on “Property” (657-660) and “Takings” (782-783)


On Engineering Urban Densification

4 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal 73--132 (2015)

The Perils of Regulatory Property in Land Use Regulation

54 Washburn L.J. 1--41 (2014)

Penn Central and Its Reluctant Muftis

66 Baylor L. Rev. 1--64 (2014)

Koontz In the Mansion and the Gatehouse

61 Urb. Law. 1--31 (2014)

The Four-Factor Penn Central Regulatory Takings Test

118 Penn. St. L. Rev. 601--646 (2014)

"Economic Impact" in Regulatory Takings Law

19 N.-N.W. J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 407--441 (2013)

A Prospective Look at Property Rights and Environmental Regulation

                    20 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 725--774 (2013)

 Judicial Takings and State Takings

21 Widener L. Rev. 811--846 (2012)

The Parcel and Then Some: Unity of Ownership and the Parcel as a Whole

36 Vermont L. Rev. 549-601 (2012)

Rethinking Urban Development

19 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 629--635 (2012) (symposium introduction)

Public Use in the Dirigiste Tradition: Private and Public Benefit in an Era of Agglomeration

38 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1023--89 (2011)

Urban Revitalization and Eminent Domain: Misinterpreting Jane Jacobs

4 Alb. Gov't. L. Rev. 106--53 (2011)

The Really New Property: A Skeptical Appraisal

43 Ind. L. Rev. 1229--85 (2010)

Kelo, Directed Growth, and Municipal Industrial Policy

17 Sup. Ct. Econ. Rev. 63--126 (2009).

Reflections on Private Property, Planning, and State Power

61:1 Planning & Environmental Law 3--11 (Jan. 2009).

The Role of the Common Law in Defining and Protecting the Environment: A Prolegomenon

58 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 583--620 (2008).

Coping with Kelo: A Potpourri of Legislative and Judicial Responses

43 Real Property, Probate and Trust J. 799--850 (2008) (with Lauren A. Perotti).

Property Tests, Due Process Tests and Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence

2007 Brigham Young Univ. L. Rev. 899--958 (2007).

Does Blight Really Justify Condemnation?

39 Urb. Law. 833--858 (2007).

Economic Salvation in a Restive Age: The Demand for Secular Salvation Has Not Abated

56 Case W. U. L. Rev. 569--586 (2006).

Securing a Reliable Electricity Grid: A New Era in Transmission Siting?

73 Tennessee Law Rev. 1--46 (2006).

Private Property, Development and Freedom: On Taking Our Own Advice

59 SMU L. Rev.345--383 (2006).

Kelo v. City of New London: A Tale of Pragmatism Gone Awry

Probate & Property, 15--17 (January/February 2006).

The Supreme Court’s Property Rights Cases

Engage, 6:2 35--51 (October 2005).

Wireless Telecommunications, Infrastructure Security, and the NIMBY Problem

54 Cath. U. L. Rev.445--496 (2005).

A Resurgent "Public Use" Clause is Consistent with Fairness

Probate & Property, 18--19 (March/April 2005)

The Public Use Requirement and Doctrinal Renewal

34 Envtl. L. Rep. 10999--11004 (2004).

Environmental Amenities, Private Property and Public Policy

44 Nat. Resources J. 425--444 (2004).

The "Character of the Governmental Action" Test: A Possible New Career

27:6 Zoning and Planning Law Report 1--9 (June 2004).

Planning Moratoria and Regulatory Takings: The Supreme Court’s Fairness Mandate Benefits Landowners

31 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 429--507 (2004).

Some Permanent Problems with the Supreme Court’s Temporary Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence

25 Haw. L. Rev. 325--352 (2003).

Regulatory Takings, Public Use, and Just Compensation After Brown

33 Envtl. L. Rep. 10807--10814 (2003).

The Development of Property Rights in America and the Property Rights Movement

1 Geo. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 77--129 (2002).

The Supreme Court's Evolving Takings Jurisprudence: A First Look at Tahoe-Sierra

Property & Probate, 5--10 (November/December 2002)

The Regulatory Takings Notice Rule

24 Haw. L. Rev.  533--587 (2002).

Palazzolo v. Rhode Island: A Few Clear Answers and Many New Questions

32 Environmental Law Reporter 10127--10136 (2002).

Development Moratoria, First English Principles, and Regulatory Takings

31 Environmental Law Reporter 11232--11238 (2001).

Just Compensation for Permanent Takings of Temporal Interests

10 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 485--511 (2001).

Temporary Regulatory Takings and Development Moratoria: The Murky View from Lake Tahoe

31 Environmental Law Reporter 10224--10227 (2001).

The Rise and Rise of Investment-Backed Expectations

32 Urban Lawyer 437--446 (2000).

Substantive Due Process and Regulatory Takings; A Reappraisal

51 Alabama Law Review 977--1045 (2000).

Del Monte Dunes, Good Faith, and Land Use Regulation

30 Environmental Law Reporter 10100--10110 (2000).

Privatizing Urban Land Use Regulation: The Problem of Consent

7 George Mason Law Review 905--921 (1999)

The 1997 Regulatory Takings Quartet: Retreating From the Rule of Law

42 New York Law School Law Review 345--406 (1998).

Regulatory Takings After the Supreme Court’s 1991-92 Term: An Evolving Return to Property Rights
29 California Western Law Review 209--238 (1992) (with William H. Mellor III).
A Critical Evaluation of the Mexican-American Transfer of Penal Sanctions Treaty
64 Iowa Law Review 275--323 (1979) (with Abraham Abramovsky)
U. S. Policy in Apprehending Alleged Offenders Abroad: Extradition, Abduction, or Irregular Rendition?
57 Oregon Law Review 51--93 (1977) (with Abraham Abramovsky).
Shopping Center Control: The Developer Besieged
51 Journal of Urban Law 585--647 (1974).

Papers and Monographs

The Birth of the Property Rights Movement (Revised Version, Dec. 15, 2005)

Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 558 (2005)

Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 404 (2001) (Original version)

The Legitimacy of Land Use Determinations and Substantive Due Process

Presented at The Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, Tenth Annual Conference, Denver, Co., April 20, 2001

Conservation Easements and Private Land Stewardship

Center for Private Conservation, Washington, D.C. (March, 1998).

Congressional Testimony

Legislative Hearing on H.R. 4772, the Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2005

Testimony before the  U. S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Washington, D.C., June 8, 2006.

The Kelo Decision: Investigating Takings of Homes and Other Private Property

Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., September 20, 2005.

Oversight hearing on "The GAO’s Recent Report on the Implementation of Executive Order 12630 and the State of Federal Agency Protections of Private Property Rights”

Testimony before the  U. S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Washington, D.C., October 16, 2003.

Private Property Rights and Telecommunications Policy

Testimony before the  U. S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Washington, D.C., March 21, 2000.

State Approaches to Protecting Property Rights

Testimony before the U. S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Washington, D.C., September 23, 1997.

The Likely Effects of Pending Proposals to Legislatively Redefine the Constitutional Right to Just Compensation for Property Owners

Testimony before the U. S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Washington, D.C., July 12, 1995.

Last revised: June. 14, 2012