Computer & Videogame Piracy:

1. The Software & Information Industry Association. Copyright Glossary. 2001. This site is not only
very informative and relevant, but is sponsored by a very trustworthy association. (Visited 10/28/01).
2. Lecture by Scott Edwards, SIIA vice president for Anti-Piracy Programs on Intellectual Property attended on 10/26/01.
I attended this lecture, which was primarily concerned with Napster, however, his discussion of Intellectual Property rights in general applies.
3. Satterfield, Shane. Gamespot: Nintendo and Electronic Arts halt lawsuit against Yahoo. 3/12/01. Gamespot is
somewhat of an authority on video games; therefore, the information on their site should be
relatively accurate.,10870,2695191,00.html (Visited 10/27/01).
4. Ibid
5. Beruk, Peter. The Software & Information Industry Association: Five Years: $59.2 Billion Lost. 5/24/00. This site is not only very informative and relevant, but is sponsored
by a very trustworthy association. (10/27/01).
6. Interactive Digital Software Association: Piracy Guide. 1999. The IDSA
educates the public on a variety of entertainment software issues and is a good source of information related to piracy. (10/27/01).
7. Cuciz, David. Gamespy: Software Piracy Report. 2001. Gamespy is somewhat of an authority on video games; therefore, the information on their site should be
relatively accurate. This article is especially useful. (10/26/01).
8. 2001. This site provides information on mod-chips and game enhancers, although it wouldn't be the best site for reliable information on videogame piracy. (10/26/01).
9. Interactive Digital Software Association: Anti-Piracy Information. 1999. The IDSA educates the public on a variety of entertainment software issues and is a good source of information related to piracy. (10/27/01).
10. Interactive Digital Software Association: Piracy Guide. 1999. The IDSA educates the public on a variety of entertainment software issues and is a good source of information related to piracy. (10/27/01).
11. Beruk, Peter. The Software & Information Industry Association: E-Commerce Epidemic: Software Piracy on Internet Auctions. 4/12/00. This site is not only
very informative and relevant, but is sponsored by a very trustworthy association. (10/28/01).
12. Thomas, Steve. Video Game Piracy - Why is it even Possible?. 2001. Although this article is an editorial at it provides good information nevertheless. (10/26/01).
13. Haynes, Rachel. The Software & Information Industry Association: SIIA Finds Pros and Cons in Peer-to-Peer Technology. 11/08/01. This site is not only
very informative and relevant, but is sponsored by a very trustworthy association. (10/28/01).
14. Interactive Digital Software Association: Piracy Guide. 1999. The IDSA educates the public on a variety of entertainment software issues and is a good source of information related to piracy. (10/27/01).
Other sites consulted:
The Comp Law Library. 2001. Although I didn't directly get anything from this site it is a good resource for information on laws related to computers and intellectual property. (10/27/01).
Here are the sites I found the animations on...
Permission for the use of the two charts was obtained from Darren L. Tabor, Director of Publishing, GameSpy Industries on 11/12/01.