ENGH 302M — Advanced Composition (Multidisciplinary)
Course Syllabus

Fall 2018, Section M08
Class times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15
Location: James Buchanan Hall D005
Prerequisite: ENGH101 or the equivalent
Last day to drop: 30th September (9th September for no tuition liability)
Selective withdrawal period ends: 27th October

Professor: Dr. Richard A. Nanian
Office Robinson B403
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30-12:00,
Tuesday and Thursdays 12:30-1:15, and by appointment

E-mail: rnanian@gmu.edu

Course web-site main page: mason.gmu.edu/~rnanian/302Mmain.html


This is a course in the craft of writing. The word craft is crucial. Writing can be art, and the greatest written works are among humanity’s greatest achievements. Whence the genius for such works derives is an eternal mystery, and one can no more teach someone to be a great novelist, dramatist, or poet than one can teach someone to be the next Joshua Bell or Kevin Durant. But the writing most of us need to perform in order to achieve success in our academic and professional careers, communicate with our colleagues, friends, and the public, and clarify and record our own thinking fortunately does not fall into that mysterious and lofty category. It is more like carpentry: one learns to build a table that will stand solidly on its own, support whatever weight it is supposed to bear, and be aesthetically pleasing. While we may not all be able to produce a Chippendale, all of us can learn to make a serviceable and attractive table — at least a step up from Ikea, let’s say — if we are given the tools and are willing to apply ourselves. Likewise, we can all learn to write prose that helps us achieve our professional goals.


Part of making that table support the weight you want it to bear involves performing and employing academic research. We live in an age in which information in the form of ones and zeros is astoundingly plentiful. However, information is not by itself a rational argument for anything. How one uses that information in support of one’s own arguments is what matters. Evidence is crucial to your case but does not make a case for you; you must arrange, present, and most importantly analyze the evidence in order to persuade readers to see anything the way you do. Also, with the increase of the availability of information has come a decrease in its reliability. Scholarly work demands that you vet your sources, not merely trust anything you read. Ultimately, this course aims to provide you with skills that will help you convey your ideas persuasively, both in future course-work and professionally in your chosen field.

By the time you have reached this course, you presumably have written many essays for various classes. You know the rudiments of structure. Most likely, you have had the dreaded five-paragraph essay form drilled into your heads so thoroughly that you unconsciously try to follow it even though it is entirely inappropriate for virtually any writing you will ever do for the rest of your life. Learning it wasn’t pointless; it is like learning to play scales on a musical instrument. Scales are the foundation of technique, but no one goes to a concert to listen to them. You may have also seen a range of grammatical errors corrected on your papers. But what you have probably not considered is the idea of writing as a mode of intellectual inquiry. That will be our focus. Instead of deciding on a thesis as the first step in your process, you will define an area of interest, use your writing to explore it, and only then decide on an argument you wish to make. This idea of writing as producing your knowledge instead of just articulating and communicating it will likely be the biggest challenge you will face.

Students should take a version of English 302 related to their major field. Multidisciplinary sections are appropriate for all majors except computer science and electrical engineering majors in the Volgenau School of Engineering.

Course Description

English 302 will teach you how to write with rhetorical awareness (interplay among audience, purpose, and context) and help prepare you understand how knowledge is created and transmitted in your field or discipline.
You will learn about the following aspects of research and writing in your field of study:

    • how to recognize key methods and conventions of scholarly research in your field or discipline
    • articulate and refine your own question for scholarly inquiry
    • situate your investigation in an ongoing context or conversation in your field
    • design a final project that adds new perspectives to the conversation.

Advanced composition will help you engage in scholarly inquiry as you work on narrowing a research question and on engaging with your discipline or field of study.

Composition Program Course Goals

By the end of this course students will be able to

    • use writing as a tool for exploration and reflection in addressing advanced problems, as well as for exposition and persuasion
    • employ strategies for writing as a recursive process of inventing, investigating, shaping, drafting, revising, and editing to meet a range of advanced academic and professional expectations
    • identify, evaluate, and use research sources
    • employ a range of appropriate technologies to support researching, reading, writing, and thinking/
    • apply critical reading strategies that are appropriate to advanced reading in your academic discipline and in possible future workplaces
    • recognize how knowledge is constructed in your academic discipline and possible future workplaces
    • analyze rhetorical situations – audience, purpose, and context – of texts produced in your academic disciplines and possible future workplaces
    • produce writing – including argument proposals – that is appropriate for a range of rhetorical situations within your academic disciplines and possible future workplace
The Students as Scholars Objectives for English 302

This course participates in the Students as Scholars (SaS) program, a university-wide initiative that encourages undergraduate students to engage in scholarly research.  Across campus, students now have increased opportunities to work with faculty on original scholarship, research, and creative activities, through their individual departments and the George Mason Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR).

At the end of the course, the Office of Institutional Assessment and the Composition Program will collect random samples of students’ final research projects in order to assess the effectiveness of the Students as Scholars Program. This assessment has no bearing on your grade in the course.


Students as Scholars Learning Outcomes

Core: Articulate and Refine a Question
Ethical: Identify relevant ethical issues and follow ethical principles
Discovery: Distinguish between personal beliefs and evidence.
Method: Choose an appropriate research method for scholarly inquiry.
Method: Gather and evaluate evidence appropriate to the inquiry.
Method:   Appropriately analyze scholarly evidence.
Context: Explain how knowledge is situated and shared in relevant scholarly contexts.

Texts and Materials
You must own the following:

The Craft of Research, 4th ed., by Wayne C. Booth et al (U Chicago P).
MS Word
(either the PC or the Mac version)
A laptop computer or tablet, which you bring with you to every class
A flash-drive or portable hard-drive on which you back up your document files
A writer’s handbook
A good dictionary
Your GMU e-mail account

The Craft of Research — though misnamed, as it covers much more than that — has become a classic in a field that produces few. We will depend on it heavily, and I will assume you have read the chapters I have assigned when I assign them. If you have questions about the readings, please feel free to bring them up in class.

As good as The Craft of Research is, the authors (as they state) assume that their readers’ basic writing skills are already flawless, so they do not address issues of grammatical correctness at all, and say little about writing style. Thus, you must own a writer’s handbook. When you make grammatical and stylistic errors, I will point them out and expect you to look them up in a handbook. Some of the better handbooks are Diane Hacker’s Rules for Writers and A Writer’s Reference, Muriel Harris’s Prentice-Hall Reference Guide to Grammar and Usage, and Andrea Lunsford’s The Everyday Writer. Many others are available. I do not care which handbook you own, as long as it is relatively recent. If you do not own any of them, buy one. The primary difference between them is the way they are organized; the material is mostly the same. Some of you may have The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E. B. White, which is short and filled with good advice (although some is idiosyncratic or even a little weird, and its tone and approach are stricter than they should be), but it does not deal with grammar in any comprehensive way, so you should consider it supplemental to these others.

A financial note: I know the bookstore pushes the renting of textbooks, and that even with books one buys, students believe that they will get back money if they do not write in them. But think of it this way: you are spending tens of thousands of dollars to attend college and acquire an education. The best way to make use of books you are studying is to gloss them heavily. Indeed, you cannot get the full benefit from them if you do not do so. Does it make sense to get less than the full value of your education so that you can someday get back enough money for two or three lattés or one mediocre pizza? Maybe the situation is different with a biology textbook that costs $275, but a paperback? And if that does not convince you, consider this: do you think Barnes & Noble, which owns our bookstore, is really trying to do you a favor with those offers? Fact is, the company makes more money on used textbooks than new ones, and even more money on rented textbooks. Write in your books!
I will link to some additional readings and materials from the Class Calendar on the course website. I expect you to print these out, make notes on them, and bring them with your to class on the days I assign them. I could have had them printed in a course-pack, but providing them this way saves you money and allows you to print them up again if you lose them.
This course requires you to be working almost constantly on your writing, and some of that work will occur in class. Therefore, you must bring a laptop computer or tablet (preferably with an accessory keyboard) with you to every class session after the second. If you do not have access to one of these devices or do not want to bring yours with you to class, the university will provide you with one; please see me so that I may provide you with a Notebook Check-Out Card.
I use MS Word’s Comment function to mark your major writing assignments. For that reason, you must have some version of MS Word — not Works, not an open-source program that mimics Word, though Apple’s Pages is also acceptable. Note also that word processing apps for iPads and other tablet devices rarely reveal comments, and most do not even preserve the original document formatting. Patriot Tech (in the Johnson Center) sells MS Word and MS Office to students at a large discount. Meanwhile, anyone who does not keep copies of his or her work on a flash-drive or portable hard-drive these days is asking for trouble. Keeping them “in the cloud” or online sounds great until you try to access them and for some reason wireless or internet access is slow or non-existent.
For this course I also recommend you own a good dictionary. I know you are all used to using the dictionaries built into your computer or available on the web; I sometimes use OneLook.com, which accesses several dictionaries at once. However, dictionaries built into computers tend to be relatively feeble, and web-based dictionaries are almost always older editions, which matters because the meanings of words change over time. Plus, they are inconvenient when reading. An actual text dictionary is more useful. Be careful, though, because anybody can call a dictionary “Webster’s”; the name is now in the public domain and means nothing. The best reasonably-priced dictionaries available are the Merriam-Webster Tenth Edition, The American-Heritage Dictionary, and The Concise Oxford English Dictionary. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is even better, though more pricey ($175). My favorite inexpensive dictionary is the Little Oxford English Dictionary, which is hardcover but only about six inches by four inches, quite portable, lists for $15, and can be purchased for about $10 on Amazon. Of course, the complete Oxford English Dictionary is the greatest dictionary in the world, though unwieldy in its two-volume Compact edition ($400) and prohibitively expensive ($1045) in its full-sized version. You may access the complete OED through the Mason library databases, though again web-based dictionaries are much less convenient than a book.
Methods of Instruction
Class sessions will involve a variety of approaches and activities. Time will be devoted to lecture and class discussion of important concepts in writing, whether explained in the textbook, a handout, or in class. Many classes will require you to work on current writing assignments both on your own and in a group. Peer response sessions are complex, require significant preparation, and will consume a large portion of out time. Attending regularly and staying engaged in class activities, keeping up with all of the assignments, and devoting sufficient time each week for thoughtful drafting and revising will greatly increase your odds of success in this class.
Course Assignments and Other Requirements

Exercises will be short assignments designed to prepare you for the major essays. In some cases you will complete them at home, bring multiple copies with you to class, and work with them in a peer group, while in others you will complete them in class and then submit them to me by e-mail. If you do not attend class or fail to bring the required number of copies of an exercise with you to class, you cannot get credit for the assignment. I do not accept exercises late.


Peer Responses

For the three major writing assignments, you will receive the works of some of your peers. Using guidelines I provide, you will offer your help and advice on each essay, submitting your response both to your peers and to me.
Major Writing Assignments and Reflective Commentaries

You will produce three major writing assignments of different types during the semester:

1) Annotated Bibliography, Audience Analysis, and Proposal: This assignment focuses on the work that forms the foundation of a research project. You must survey the current literature on the subject, decide for whom you would be writing, and then lay out how your objectives and how the project would proceed.

2) Discipline Awareness Project: Tracing the Path of Scholarship. In this assignment, you will discover how scholarly sources draw from prior work, and conversely how ideas develop, change, and branch off over time. This project should provide you with a clearer sense of your research area and help you narrow down a specific focus for your project.

3) Research Project: Sources, Quotations, Citations, Commentary, and Thesis. Because this course presents research and writing as a mode of inquiry, you cannot simply present a completed research essay for credit. This assignment requires you do perform all of the intellectual heavy-lifting you would need to do for a scholarly research essay prior to actually writing it. That means gathering not only your sources but finding the specific quotations you plan to use in support of your argument, deciding how you will use them, and developing the thesis that would form the essay’s spine.

For each of these assignments, you will submit a draft (not a so-called rough draft) for peer response. This draft should be as good as you can possibly make it. After receiving feedback from your peers, you will then revise the assignment and submit this revised version to me for my evaluation  I will evaluate it according to a rubric designed specifically for that assignment. You must submit your assignments as .doc or .docx files. Also, I insist you always keep back-up files of your work on a flash-drive or portable hard-drive; in 2018, claiming a computer glitch destroyed your essay is like claiming your dog ate your homework. You will find more detailed explanations of the major writing assignments on the pages for each that are linked from the Class Calendar page.

Class Participation

I believe that learning requires an active engagement on the part of both the students and the teacher. You cannot simply sit back and expect to receive knowledge the way a child receives a tetanus shot. At minimum, you must participate by paying close attention to everything that goes on in class. Ideally, you should also ask questions and risk exposing your ideas to your classmates. A writing class, especially, is a cooperative venture — as much workshop as class — and cannot be conducted primarily via lecture. Also, many of the class’s activities depend on your participation, and failing to contribute fully, whether through absence or lateness, for example, will affect your scores on these assignments. Note this comment from the student handbook: “Students who fail to participate (by virtue of extensive absences) in courses in which participation is a factor in evaluation may have their grades lowered.”

A note about attendance: a healthy percentage of success in life depends simply on showing up where and when you are expected. If you are the kind of student who has trouble showing up, you will struggle in any composition class. On the other hand, students who never miss a class tend to do well in my courses. Note that absences or lateness on the days your peer group meets are particularly disastrous. Even being late for a peer response session will result in a penalty to your peer response grade.

Although absences are always bad, if you know ahead of time that you will be absent, you should tell me. Regardless, you are absolutely responsible for finding out what happened in class. I suggest you exchange e-mail addresses with at least two classmates.

Policy on Late Work

Much of this course is conducted as a workshop, which means your peers depend on you. For that reason, the penalties for lateness are severe. Assignments are due when specified. I do not accept exercises late for credit. Lateness on drafts results in major penalties to your peer response grades.

Revisions of the first two major assignments receive a 10% penalty for being late and an additional 10% penalty for every day beyond the first 24 hours, meaning that a revision that you send to me one day and one hour late will receive a 20% penalty to the available points. For the Research Project Part II: Position Paper, because it comes at the very end of the course, I cannot accept revisions late. If you do not submit the revision by the deadline, I will treat the draft you submitted to your peers for peer response as your revision. This will prevent you from earning a zero, but will quite likely result in a low grade.

Students in ENGH 302 must earn a grade of C or higher to complete the 302 requirement; students whose grades are lower than a C will need to repeat the class.
The points available in this course are as follows:
Class Participation and Exercises 25
Peer Responses 15
Annotated Bibliography, Audience Analysis, and Proposal  20
Discipline Awareness Project: Tracing the Path of Scholarship 20
Research Project: Sources, Quotations, Planning, and Thesis 20
As for the specific assignments, here is how I grade them:

Class Participation and Exercises: I assign each class period a point value, which you can see on the Class Calendar. You receive those points if you are in class when class begins at 10:30 and you have brought with you everything you were supposed to for that class (the right number of copies of exercises, drafts, and peer responses, your text and any hand-outs we are going to discuss, and so on). If you are late or in some way not prepared, I reserve the right to reduce the points awarded for the day. Absence means you earn no points, of course. Note that while class participation officially counts for 25 of the 100 points in the class, the total number of points you may earn for being prepared and in class is 28. In other words, you may earn up to 3 points extra credit if you are never absent, late, or unprepared. I will calculate participation points at the end of every week and post your score to Blackboard as a running point total. I do not grade exercises. I may comment on them, but provided you follow the instructions and submit an exercise that fulfills them, you will earn 100% credit for them. If you ignore instructions or submit something wholly inadequate, I reserve the right to award you only partial credit for that day. The point of exercises is not to torpedo your GPA; it is to build up what I call writer’s muscle memory. I have consistently found a strong correlation between the effort students put into their exercises and their performance on major assignments, and thus their final grades.

Peer Responses: I will grade these based primarily on the apparent effort and attention given and their organization and whether you follow the instructions, secondarily on the quality of advice you offer. You may earn anywhere from an A+ (100) to an F (59) on each set of peer responses you submit. Of course, if the set is incomplete or you fail to submit it to your peers on-time, you may earn a lower score.

Discipline Awareness Project: Periodical Analysis and Advanced Research Project, Part I: Sources, Quotations, Planning, and Thesis: For each of these assignments, I will complete a rubric that evaluates your project in many aspects of both content and style. Then, the Content and Style grades will be multiplied (not averaged) together and the resulting percentage will be applied to the points available for the assignment. A reflective commentary can potentially modify the final score on each assignments. More detailed explanation and the rubric itself can be found on the assignment page.

Advanced Research Project: Sources, Quotations, Planning, and Thesis: For this final assignment, I will assign you two holistic scores, one for Content and one for Style, multiply them together, and the resulting percentage will be applied to the 30 points available for the assignment.

Possible final grades in this course include A+ (97.0 points or above), A (93.0-96.9), A- (90.0-92.9), B+ (87.0-89.9), B (83.0-86.9), B- (80.0-82.9), C+ (77.0-79.9), C (73.0-76.9), C- (67.5-72.9), D (60.0-67.4), and F (below 60). Again, if you earn a C- or worse, you will need to re-take the course. 
I grant incompletes only in circumstances beyond the student’s foresight and control, and only when I have a reasonable expectation that the student can complete the course successfully. By university regulation, you must request an incomplete in writing.
Basic Rules of Conduct
A class, like a society, requires that all participants observe a certain code of civilized behavior. The following are the minimum standards I ask you observe (some of these are pretty obvious, but believe it or not every one of them is here as a result of past experience):

Be on time. Running a class is like driving a stick-shift: it takes time to shift up to cruising speed. When you walk in after the agreed upon starting time, you interrupt the class and make it start out again in first gear. It is rude. However, arriving late is still better than missing the class. If you do arrive late, come in as quietly as possible and take your seat. If the class is engaged in a group activity, come to me (of course you should wait a moment if I am actively talking with students) and ask me to place you in a group.

The outside world should not intrude on our class. Please disable any cellular telephones, text messaging devices, pagers, and devices with alarms, or leave them behind. Reading and sending text messages, especially, is extremely disrespectful to the class. Any student who texts during class will receive no credit for being in class that day.

You must bring a laptop computer or tablet to class. Computers can be extremely effective writing tools, especially if you do not treat them as if they are just typewriters hooked up to TVs. However, they can also prove tremendously distracting. Reading e-mail unrelated to the class or cruising websites unrelated to tasks in the course is disrespectful and will be result in you being considered absent that day.

While you are free — even encouraged — to disagree with me or other students, your comments should be intellectual rather than personal, conversational rather than confrontational.  Our classroom is an environment in which we can learn from each other, where topics are open for careful consideration, and where what each of us brings to the classroom is respected. That said, I will not tolerate mean, closed-minded, or discriminatory talk or actions of any kind. Please respect the diversity and opinions of your classmates and adhere to the letter and spirit of GMU’s following non-discrimination policy in all classroom proceedings. Note the GMU Non-Discrimination Policy: “GMU is committed to providing equal opportunity and an educational and work environment free from any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or age.  GMU shall adhere to all applicable state and federal equal opportunity/affirmative action statutes and regulations.”

At any moment, one of three things will be happening in the class: either I will be talking, a student will be talking (asking or answering a question, participating in a class or smaller group discussion), or everyone will be concentrating silently on the task at hand.  In every case, courtesy demands that you pay attention, and not engage in your own private conversations. But please feel free to ask questions and express your ideas — that kind of talking demonstrates your involvement and is generally a good thing.

While I know that you have other obligations, our class is not the time to fulfill them. Doing work unrelated to the course during class is not allowed.

Attendance implies body and mind and so requires consciousness. Putting your head down on the desk or closing your eyes because you are tired is unacceptable at any level above nursery school.

The class is just over two hours long. I will provide a short break roughly halfway through each class. You should seldom, if ever, need to leave the classroom otherwise. If the need arises, and you can’t wait, by all means go in peace. I trust you will return quickly, and not abuse my patience and generally kind disposition.

Wait until the class actually ends to pack up. Few things are more annoying than having to raise my voice at the end of class because people are sliding their books off the desks and unzipping and zipping their backpacks.

With the exception of when the university itself closes because of bad weather, I am unlikely to cancel class. In almost twenty years of teaching, I have canceled class only four times, twice for illness, once after a car accident, and once for two days when my wife was giving birth. However, if the unexpected happens, I will e-mail the class. (Obviously, inclement weather cancellations are unlikely in the summer session.)

Honesty and the Composition Program’s Statement on Plagiarism
George Mason University’s Honor Code requires all members of this community to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing are all expressly prohibited. In fact, the list of offences is redundant: cheating is fraud; plagiarism is theft. These are the two clear felonies of the academic community. Note: the GMU Honor Code was revised recently. If you have not examined it recently, please do so.

Plagiarism means using the exact words, opinions, or factual information from another source without giving that source credit. Writers give credit through the use of accepted documentation styles, such as parenthetical citation, footnotes, or endnotes; a simple listing of books, articles, and websites is not sufficient.

This class will include direct instruction in strategies for handling sources as part of our curriculum. However, students in composition classes must also take responsibility for understanding and practicing the basic principles listed below.

To avoid plagiarism, meet the expectations of a U.S. academic audience, give their readers a chance to investigate the issue further, and make credible arguments, writers must

    • put quotation marks around and give an in-text citation for any sentences or distinctive phrases (even short, two- or three-word phrases) that writers copy directly from any outside source: a book, a textbook, an article, a website, a newspaper, a song, a baseball card, an interview, an encyclopedia, a CD, a movie, whatever.
    • completely rewritenot just switch out a few words—any information they find in a separate source and wish to summarize or paraphrase for their readers, and also give an in-text citation for that paraphrased information
    • give an in-text citation for any facts, statistics, or opinions which the writers learned from outside sources (or which they just happen to know) and which are not considered common knowledge in the target audience (this may require new research to locate a credible outside source to cite)
    • give a new in-text citation for each element of information — that is, do not rely on a single citation at the end of a paragraph, because that is not usually sufficient to inform a reader clearly of how much of the paragraph comes from an outside source.

Writers must also include a Works Cited or References list at the end of their essay, providing full bibliographic information for every source cited in their essay.

While different disciplines may have slightly different citation styles, and different instructors may emphasize different levels of citation for different assignments, writers should always begin with these conservative practices unless they are expressly told otherwise. Writers who follow these steps carefully will almost certainly avoid plagiarism. If writers ever have questions about a citation practice, they should ask their instructor.

Instructors in the Composition Program support the George Mason Honor Code, which requires them to report any suspected instances of plagiarism to the Honor Council. All judgments about plagiarism are made after careful review by the Honor Council, which may issue penalties ranging from grade-deductions to course failure to expulsion from GMU.

All of that said, let me be clear. Any act of academic dishonesty will result in my reporting you to the honor committee and recommending failure of the course (not merely the assignment). In every case in which I have done this, the honor committee has accepted my recommendation, and in several cases has imposed additional penalties. This may sound harsh, but you will find similar guidelines at every college in the country. It does not get any more serious than this. I will use available plagiarism-finding tools to check your essays as I see fit.
Help with the Course

I enjoy the opportunity to work with you, so please think of me as your first resource for help. Let me know if you have questions or concerns, need help with an assignment, want to work together at any point in your writing process, or need an early or additional review of your work.  If you can’t make office hours, we can schedule an appointment.  That said, don’t overlook the importance of personal responsibility and pre-planning. If you are struggling with something, ask for help right away. This class doesn’t lend itself to procrastination or last minute work and, like most of your professors, I’m not available in the middle of the night and you can’t rely on me being available right before an assignment is due.

Other resources include the University Writing Center, located in Robinson A114. It has an outstanding website that offers a wealth of online resources for student writers. You can schedule a forty-five minute appointment with a trained tutor to help with any phase of the writing process. the Writing Center’ telephone number is 703-993-1200. The Writing Center even offers some services online, but please plan ahead and allow at least two days to receive a response.

Do not ignore the George Mason University Library as resource. Librarians in the Fenwick and Johnson Center libraries (and at the libraries on our Arlington and Prince Williams campuses) are available to help you with your research. Show up with your assignment and specific questions. Answers to many common questions can be found here. The library offers tutorials and research resources that can help you with your assignments in this course. Bookmark the library’s website on your computer and take advantage of all the resources and assistance available there.


Other Important Campus Resources

Students with documented disabilities are legally entitled to request certain accommodations. If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services (703-993-2474). All academic accommodations must be arranged through the DRC. Students with documented disabilities should present me with a contact sheet from the Disability Resource Center as soon as possible so that together we may plan appropriate accommodations.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides a wide range of services to faculty, staff and students. Services are provided by a staff of professional counseling and clinical psychologists and professional counselors. The Center provides individual counseling, group counseling, workshops and outreach programs — experiences to enhance a student's academic performance. To make an appointment, visit the CAPS website, call them at 703-993-2380, or go to their office in Student Union I, Room 364.

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Education supports our diverse student and faculty population. The office is committed to the success of all members of the Mason community. Throughout the year, it sponsors a variety of programs for students and faculty.  It works specifically with African Heritage, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific American, American Indian, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning populations. You can access the ODIME website or call 703-993-2700.

Office for Academic Integrity promotes and supports academic integrity throughout the university community by educating its members, fostering an environment where students can be recognized for high levels of integrity, creating opportunities for leadership and personal growth, and upholding the university honor code through a student-based honor committee. You can access the OAI website or call 703-993-6209.

My Responsibilities
In this syllabus, I spell out clearly what I expect of you. What may you expect of me?  You have the right to expect that I am knowledgeable about the subject, that I will be prepared for class, that I will return your assignments to you reasonably promptly, that I will indicate clearly where you need to apply yourself in order to improve as both a reader and as a writer, and that I will give you positive feedback whenever possible. It also means that you can count on my honest evaluation of your work. If I say something positive, believe it. If you perform poorly, I will certainly let you know. However, I will not chase you: if you are struggling, ask to meet with me. More fundamentally, you can expect that I want you both to succeed and to enjoy the experience, and will do everything within my power to help.
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