Instructor: Robin D. Hanson, Assoc. Professor, Economics
Office Hours: Officially Tues-Thurs 6-7p. But I'm usually in at Carow Hall
10A. Call ahead (703-993-2326) if you want to be sure.
Catalog Entry:
Econ 415 Law and Economics (3:3:0). Prerequisite: ECON 306 or permission of instructor. An economic analysis of the law. Topics include an introduction to legal institutions and legal analysis; application of economic concepts to the law of property, contracts and torts, criminal law, and constitutional law; the economic efficiency of the common law; and a public choice perspective on the evolution of the law.Required Texts:
David D. Friedman, Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters, Princeton Univ. Press 2000, ISBN 0691090092.Recommended Text:A. Mitchell Polinsky, Introduction To Law and Economics, Third Edition Aspen Publishers, 2003, ISBN 9780735534735.
Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, Law and Economics, Fifth Edition, Addison Wesley 2007, ISBN 0-321-33634-8Goal of Class
Gain familiarity with basic facts and issues in the economics of law, and an ability to use basic economics to argue for particular legal outcomes.Assignments:
Week | Text Chapters | Lecture Topics | |
1 Sept | F1-3, P1-2, C1-2 | Law Intro, Economics Review | |
8 Sept | C3 | Law and Legal Institutions | |
15 Sept | F4, C4 | Coasean Analysis | |
22 Sept | F5,10, P4, C4 | Property | |
29 Sept | F11, C5 | Property Continued | |
6 Oct | F12, P5, C6 | Contract | |
13 Oct | no class this week | ||
20 Oct | F13, P8, C7 | Contract Continued | |
27 Oct | F14, P6, C8 | Tort | |
3 Nov | F14, P7, C9 | Tort Continued | |
10 Nov | C10, P16 | Legal Process | |
17 Nov | F15, P10, C11 | Crime | |
24 Nov | F18, P11, C12 | Crime Continue | |
1 Dec | F17 | Private Law | |
8 Dec | Other Alternatives | ||
15 Dec | Final Exam, 7:30p-10:15p |