Instructor: Robin D. Hanson, Associate Professor, Economics
Office Hours: Officially TT 1:30-3:00pm. But I'm usually in at 10b Carow Hall.
Call ahead (703-993-2326) if you want to be sure.
Catalog Entry:
Econ 335 Environmental Economics (3:3:0). Prerequisites: ECON 103 and 104. Microeconomic analysis of environmental problems. Topics include an analysis of externali ties and market failure, alternative solutions and policies, problems in monitoring and enforcement, economic analysis of the development of legislation and regulation, and applications to current policy issues.Recommended Texts: (None are required.)
Chris Boehm, Hierarchy in the Forest, 1999, ISBN 780674006911Goal of ClassTom Tietenberg, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 8th Ed, 2009, ISBN 9780321485717
Barry and Martha Field, Environmental Economics, 5th Ed, 2009, ISBN 9780073375762
Scott Callan and Janet Thomas, Environmental Economics & Management, 4th Ed, 2006, ISBN 9780324320671
Bjorn Lomborg, Skeptical Environmentalist, 2001, ISBN 9780521010689
Familiarity with the basic facts and issues of the economics of nature, and giving economically-coherent defenses of one's opinions on such topics.Assignments:
Week | Lecture Topic | |
31 Aug | Introduction & Econ Review | |
7 Sept | Externalities & Public Goods | |
14 Sept | Mechanisms to Mitigate Externalities No Class Thursday | |
21 Sept | Air, Water, Noise, Light | |
28 Sept | Food, Energy, Recycling | |
5 Oct | Land, Forrest, Fish | |
12 Oct | Global Warming No Class Tuesday | |
19 Oct | Population | |
26 Oct | More Population | |
2 Nov | Primates and Foragers | |
9 Nov | Farmers and Industrialists | |
16 Nov | Nanotech, Artificial Intelligence | |
23 Nov | Robots And Nature No Class Thursday | |
30 Nov | Cosmic Commons and Very Long Run | |
7 Dec | Review & Slack No Class Tuesday | |
16 Dec | Final Exam, 7:30-10:15am |
Misc Links
US EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
NBER papers on Environmental Economics
This page is on web at