Graduate students performing research in the Couch lab
have great success in finding employment after graduation:
Arthur Tsang - MS 2011, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hameed Khan - MS 2012, PhD 2020, USPTO
Justin Davis - MS 2012, PhD 2016, VP Research TheraLink
Allyson Dailey - MS 2013, PhD 2017, Lab Director Mason
Metabolomics Facility, Production and Forensics Manager CTS
Karl Navarro - MS 2014, Quest Diagnostics, MedImmune,
Meso Scale Discovery
Tyrone Dowdy - MS 2015, Georgetown University Metabolomics
facility, NIH metabolomics facility
Amanda Haymond - PhD 2017, Research Assistant Prof, GMU Michele Gagnon - MS 2017, QC Scientist Fatima Zaidi - PhD 2020, Project Manager, Metabolon Haley Ball - PhD 2020, IP Lawyer Ashley Willis - MS 2021, Forensics Science Jazmyne Smith - MS 2022, Forensics Science Zorik Keshishian - MS 2022, Proteomics Lab NIH Erik Escobar - MS 2021, MedImmune