Olivia (Mandy) O'Neill, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management
Senior Scientist at the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Outgoing Senior Editor, Organization Science
Mandy O'Neill
Associate Professor of Management
Senior Scientist at the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Associate Professor of Management
Senior Scientist at the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Olivia (Mandy) O'Neill is an Associate Professor of Management in the George Mason University School of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business (Stanford University), where she was a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow. Additionally, she holds a B.S. degree in Psychology from University of Maryland, where she graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with Honors. Prior to being on the faculty at Mason, Professor O'Neill taught at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) and the Terry College of Business (University of Georgia).
Professor O'Neill has taught MBA and undergraduate courses in organizational behavior, negotiations, global management, introduction to management, leadership, and organizational change. Professor O'Neill is also actively engaged in organizational research, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods to the study of employees and organizational units. Her primary areas of research include the study of organizational culture, emotions, and gender. She has worked with organizations across a wide range of industries including health care, technology, emergency services, and retail. Outcomes of interest to Professor O'Neill include workplace interpersonal relations, employee decision-making, job attitudes, career success, health behavior, corporate strategy, and financial performance.
George Mason University
School of Business MS 1E6
9900 Main Street Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030