Son of the princess of Argos from Zeus. Son of the queen of Corynth from Poseidon.
As a baby, sent afloat in a chest with mother by the grandfather, fearing the oracle that grandson would kill him. Exiled from Corynthus for manslaughter.
Protects his mom from marrying king Polydectes. Resists the advances of his hostess, the wife of Proetus; she slanders at Bellerophon to her husband.
Sent away with a task to bring the head of the Gorgon Medusa, whose sight turns everyone into stone. Sent to Lycian king Iobates, Proetus' father-in-law, with the letter requesting to get rid of Bellerophon. Iobates sends him to slay Chimaera: fire-breathing goat-lion-serpent. 
Assisted by magic gifts from Athena and Hermes, Perseus has the cap of invisibility and can fly. Assisted by Athena and other gods, tames the flying horse Pegasus.
Slays Gorgon Medusa. Slays Chimera.
Saves Andromeda from being sacrificed to the sea-monster.  Vanquishes the enemies of Iobates; defeats the Amazons  and thwarts Iobates' attempts to have him killed.
Marries Andromeda. Marries Iobates' younger daughter. 
Avenges king Polydectes' courtship of his mom by turning the king's court into stone.
Kills with a discus his grandfather Acrisius, who had sent him off in a floating casket (was it an accident?)
Fights the "Women of the sea' - a Dionysiac horde from Crete.
Avenges the calumny of Proetus' wife, now his sister-in-law, by offering her a Pegasus-ride and pushing her off from a height. (Or: she killed herself out of jealosy.)
Receives the place with wife and the in-laws among the stars. Rides Pegasus to Olympus; is kicked off and falls down on earth.


A baby, strangles the snakes in his crib. Moves the rock to find father's sword & sandals.
Kills Nemean lion - clubbed and flayed (1st labor). Kills Periphetus with his own bronze club in Epidaurus.
Kills Lernean Hydra - multiplying heads  cauterized. Poisoned arrows with its blood (2nd labor). Tears Sinis (Pine-bender) apart.
Catches Cerynitian hind of Artemis (3rd labor). Kills the wild sow Phaea of Crommion.
Kills Erymanthian boar (4th Labor). Flings Sceiron to his own turtle.
Washes the Augean stables (5th labor). Kills Cerkyon of Eleusis in forced wrestling match.
Repels Stymphalian birds (6th labor). Cuts Procrustes down to size.
Captures Cretan bull (7th labor). Captures Cretan bull.
Brings the wild horses of Diomedes (8th labor). Kills Minotaur in the Labyrinth.
Brings the girdle of the Amazon queen Hippolyta (9th labor). Raids Amazons with Heracles. Marries Hippolyta.
Drives away the cattle of three-bodied giant Geryon (10th labor). Joins the Caledonian boar hunt.
Brings the apples of Hesperides (11th labor). Joins the expedition of the Argonauts.
Brings the dog Cerberus from Hades (12th labor).  Fights with Lapiths against the centaurs at Perithous' wedding.
While in Hades, releases Theseus from his rock. Descends to the underworld with Perithous in hope to re-abduct Persephone; friends are stuck to the rock in Hades' palace.
Kills king Busiris of Egypt, who sacrificed strangers. Offers hospitality to Heracles, exiled after murdering the children. Protects the orphans of Heracles from Eurystheus.
Kills the giant Antaeus, lifting him from the ground. Offers protection to exiled Oedipus and his daughters.
Fights with river-god Achelous for Deianeira; wins and marries her. Retrieves the bodies of Argive warriors killed in the war of the Seven Against Thebes.
Fights with Thanatos and returns Alcestis to her husband, Admetus. (At some point, abducts young Helen of Sparta).
Rescues the Trojan princess Hesione from the sea-monster.
Releases Prometheus; shoots the eagle.
Fights with gods agains the Titans. 
Apotheosis: receives immortality, joins Olympians.

Good Heracles:

* Returned Alcestis from death.
* Saved Hesione from the sea-monster.
* Released Prometheus from the rock.

Bad Heracles:

* Killed his family in a fit of violence.
* Flung Iphitus from the walls of Tiryns.
* Was arrogant to the Delphic Apollo.

Good Theseus:

* Saves Athenian youths from Minotaur.
* Offers hospitality to exiled Heracles.
* Protects the orphans of Heracles from Eurystheus.
* Offers hospitality and protection to exiled Oedipus.
* Forces Thebans to return the bodies of Argives  
     killed in the war of Seven Against Thebes.
* Follows his friend Perithous all the way to Hades.

  Bad Theseus:

* Abandones Ariadne on the Naxos island.
* Fails to change the sails, thus driving father Aegeas
       to suicide.
* Abducts young Helen of Sparta.
* Too harsh with his son Hippolytus, maligned by 
        stepmother Phaedra.