Nathan Stephenson

Undergraduate computer engineer experienced in embedded systems, wireless communications, full-stack software development, and music technology

Wireless Systems
Computer Engineering
Music Technology
  • Thank you Mr. Eckel for structuring your class in such a fun way! I was able to become a far better programmer thanks to your approach.
  • Thank you Mrs. Gadson for inspiring me to chase my passions and look not only on the software side, but also the hardware side. If I hadn't taken engineering class I probably wouldn't have done most of the things listed here.
  • Otani-sensei, thank you for an awesome 4 years of Japanese class! I learned so much and I appreciate how far you have helped me get in my Japanese studies.
  • Thank you Mr. Alec for helping me to be more confident and supporting me even though I was an awkward kid who was not particularly amazing at dancing!
  • Mr. Reid, thanks for being a super cool teacher and helping me to better understand the logic in music.

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Last updated on 2024-06-10