T/TAC Spring 2005
Status Reports

Date: 04/01/05


  • Sent survey to 8 LEA contacts
  • Recieved survey from 1 LEA contact
  • Finished analyzing usability comments and discussed redesign issues
  • Presented usability summary to Dr. Berhmann
  • Finished usability presentation for Dr. Bannan-Ritland's class
  • Finished the handout for Dr. Bannan-Ritland's presentation
  • Sent invitation e-mails to faculty members for the final presentation
  • Received a brief overview of how to use SPSS software to collect statistical data from Heidi
  • Prepare the presentation for VDOE- TTAC visit in Richmond
  • Prepare protocols for the presentation
  • Prepare the questionnaire to be given to the participants in Richmond
  • Design a handout explaining the system to give to the participants in Richmond
  • Meet Dr. Wang to discuss the status of the prototype and what will be done before Richmond visit
  • None
  • None