T/TAC Spring 2005

Agenda for 04/05/05

Prepared by: Aanal

Old Business:

  1. Discuss status of system (Dr. Wang)
  2. Complete redesign

Current Business:

  1. Send out friendly reminders to survey participants if surveys are not received
  2. Finalize usability presentation and handout
  3. Divide the parts for the speech during the presentation
  4. Discuss and draft protocols for the Richmond visit
  5. Draft an outline and prepare a presentation for the Richmond presentation
  6. Design a hanout/brochure for the Richmond presentation
  7. Prepare a task scenario for the users (copy/paste function)
  8. Prepare survey for the users
  9. Buy Thank you cards and chocolates for the Richmond visit
  10. Discuss the outfit and items to carry at Richmond
  11. Discuss iterative redesign and task analysis (Due: April 22nd, Friday, 9:00 am)
  12. Lunch with Terry Werner


