T/TAC Spring 2005

Agenda for 03/01/05

Prepared by: Aanal

Old Business:

  1. Evaluation plan
  2. Usability plan

Current Business:

  1. Analysis of expert notes
  2. Redesign of visual design (also change "best practices" to "effective practices" on our templates and our visual design)
  3. What still needs to be added in evaluation plan?
  4. Finish usability plan
  5. Start creating survey
  6. Protocols for meeting with Terry Werner
  7. Next steps for usability testing
  8. Webmaster makes changes to the website as per Jennifer's (editor) comments
  9. Webmaster uploades March calendar on project site as well as immersion site
  10. Discuss about prefered dates to visit TA's (April 4 or April 11)


