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View Published Local Improvement Plans
(including corresponding reports)

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Choose Section(s):

Author of LIP Contact Information Section 5...Timeline
Section 1...State Goal(s) Addressed Section 6...Project Budget
Section 2...Baseline Data Section 7...Evaluation
Section 3...Goals that Guide the Plan Progress Report
Section 4...Strategies to Attain Goals Evaluation Report

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George Mason County Public Schools 2000 - 2001

Personal Information:

LEA Contact Name: Laura White Title: Director of Special Education and Student Services
Phone Number: 832-427-8000 Fax Number: 832-427-8003

LEA Information:
LEA Name: George Mason County Public Schools
Region: Region 1 School Type: Suburban Divison Size: 53120

Application Information:
Submission Date: April 12, 2000


Section 1: State Goal(s) Addressed

Goal 2: Promote and increase the supply of qualified special education and related service personnel who are qualified in the special education area assigned.

Goal 3:
Promote ongoing professional development opportunities that demonstrate and instruct in research-based effective practices by increasing the statewide availability of personnel preparation opportunities in all areas.

Goal 4:
Ensure ongoing personnel development opportunities that demonstrate and instruct in research-based effective practices by increasing the statewide personnel development opportunities focusing on effective practices (including collaboration) for administrators, regular educators, paraprofessionals, special educators, and related service providers.     
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Section 2: Baseline Data

Students with moderate to severe disabilities account for more than 25% of the special education population in George Mason County Public Schools (GMCPS).

There are currently 52 self-contained classes providing services to students in this category in grades PK-12.

Because of the commitment required to worlc with these students, the turnover rate for these professionals is high. The school system endeavors to provide ongoing training and staff development to support professionals, including administrators and paraprofessionals, working with students with moderate to severe disabilities.

Section 3: Goals that Guide the Plan

1. There will be a decrease by 10% in special education teacher turnover rate during the 2003-2004 school year. 2. This will target special education teachers of students with moderate to severe disabilities in grades preschool through twelve.
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Section 4: Strategies to Attain Goal(s)

1. Hire a qualified person to provide training, technical assistance, and curriculum development to teachers of students with moderate to severe disabilities. 2. Partner with the Department of Staff Development to assist in coordinating training. 3. Develop a curriculum guide correlated to SOLs which will be provided to each appropriate teacher.

Section 5: Timeline

This is a new initiative that will require 2 years to complete. The first year GMCPS will hire a qualified person to provide technical assistance to classroom teachers and to begin training and development of the curriculum guide. The second year, the technical assistance and staff development will continue and the curriculum guide will be completed.

Section 6: Project Budget

Personal Services: $58,430 Employee Benefits: $4,470
Purchased Services: $0 Internal Services: $0
Other Charges: $0 Materials and Supplies: $12,772
Capital Outlay: $0 Parental Involvement: $0
Joint Operations: $ 0  
TOTAL: $75,672  
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Section 7: Evaluation

1. Documentation of provided training including agenda, handouts, and evaluations. 2. Copy of the curriculum guide provided each teacher. 3. Copy of ”Contact Log”documenting direct technical assistance provided to teachers.

Progress Report


What data are collected?

(A): Instructional Assistant Training: records of attendance and evaluations of activities, a second needs assessment currently under development will provide updated information on needs.

(B): Technical Assistance and Curriculum Development Support for Teachers: contact logs, sign-in sheets for staff development


How is the data demonstrating strategy implementation?

(A): Data outlined above are indicative of implementation that is consistent and within timelines.

(B): Development of the curriculum guide has been delayed to allow for more time in provision of direct technical support to teachers.


To what extent is progress being made towards strategy implementation?

(A): Instructional Assistant Training: Records of attendance indicate a slight decrease in instructional assistants that have participated in professional development opportunities. During the 2003-2004 school year, about 140 IAs have accessed available training.

(B): Technical Assistance and Curriculum Development Support for Teachers: Contact logs indicate that direct support to teachers is progressing according to timeline.

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Evaluation Report

An evaluation report has not been submitted yet.