Usability Tests


Scenario 1

Persona/user: Technical Administrator (TA)


You are a Technical Administrator employed with the Virginia Department of Education. You want to show the good example of how to write the LIP proposal to the new LEA, Katherine Cox, in your division. You recall vaguely that proposal from year 2003 in a Henrico school division has a good structure and clear content that could be modeled. You decide to visit the TTAC online School Improvement Plan site to reference that proposal and send to Katherine as a resource.



Search to find a LIP.  Your search criteria will include: 1) Henrico, and 2) the Year 2003.


Results: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Scenario 2

Persona/user: Technical Administrator (TA)


You are a Technical Administrator employed with the Virginia Department of Education. You have just been introduced to your newly assigned LEA, John Doe within your assigned region. John is asking for your help in helping him write a successful proposal focusing on Assistive Technology for mild to moderate disabilities. You decide to have him view a sample proposal recently approved in his region by visiting the School Improvement Plan search engine.



Search to find a LIP.  Your search criteria will include: 1) Assistive Technology and 2) Mild/Moderate Disabilities.


Results: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Scenario 3

Persona/user: Technical Administrator (TA)


You are a Technical Administrator employed with the Virginia Department of Education.

The LEA you are assisting in Region 7 has included the goal of increasing community partners. Only, the plan is underdeveloped. You want to help them expound on their explanations.



Search to find a LIP.  Your search should criteria include: 1) searching for a document containing the word “computers”.


Results: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







       Follow- Up General-Use Questions:



       How many divisions include Goal 1 in their proposal? _______


       How many divisions are rural? ________


       How many LIP awards are between $15,000-$35,000?  ________


       How many LIP proposals are there in Region 7? ________