September 04, 2003

Duration: 2 hours
Attendees: Justin Briggs, Tabitha Parchment, Meredith Sivick, Monisha Tripathy, Jocelyn Tyler
Absentees:Barbara Finn, Nantana Wongtan
Discussed the project site at length
Worked on the color scheme of the site
Talked in detail about the main elements on the project site
Each member in the meeting took responsibility of one page of the site
T/TAC logo yet to be developed and implemented across the site
Decided to take a group picture, to be placed on the 'About Us' page

Action items:
Teams Vision, Goals, Norms, Roles and Responsibilities to be discussed in the next meeting
Write a bulleted list on the projects performance analysis data - client, goals, drivers, barriers,
info sources, types of opportunity (T/TAC)
Welcome page - to be administered by Tabitha
Status page - to be administered by Meredith
Project Work page - unassigned
Prototype page - unassigned
Meetings page - to be adminstered by Monisha
About Us page - to be administered by Justin
Resources page - unassigned
Site Map - unassigned


NEXT MEETING: Monday, 9/8/03 Time: 11.00am