August 27, 2003

Duration: 2 hours
Attendees: Justin Briggs, Barbara Finn, Tabitha Parchment, Meredith Sivick, Monisha Tripathy, Jocelyn Tyler, Nantana Wongtan
Introduced each other. Shared individual skill sets and talked about what skills one could bring to the project at hand
Talked a little about team norms, likes and dislikes
Briefly discussed the project site - decided to create the homepage
Set weekly group meetings to Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Shared individual goals for the Immersion program
Exchanged contact information and distributed this among team members

Action items:
Work on the project sites home page, bring ideas to the next group meeting
Review project site of the previous T/TAC immersion group

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, 9/3/03 Time: 12.45pm