February 16, 2004

What we need to accomplish this week:

·        Multiple prototypes (meeting with Pat on Wednesday at 12)

·        A completed evaluation plan, including:

1.      Need for evaluation

2.      Purpose of evaluation (goals)

3.      Evaluation strategy

4.      Objectives

5.      Social/cultural factors (resources/constraints)

6.      Desired results (information sought from evaluation)

7.      Levels of evaluation

8.      Formality or informality of methods and rationale

9.      Congruence of evaluation methods with learning activities

10.  Measurement approaches

11.  Formative evaluation plans including formative evaluation methods and/or usability tests as part of evaluation plan

·        Plans for usability testing

·        Finalize the database schema


Monday: INDIVIDUAL Homework

·        Database: have finalized database schema

·        Front-end: template for prototype

·        If anyone has what we have already done on formative evaluation, bring it! 


Tuesday: Meeting from 11-3

·        Work on Prototypes, finalize

·        Finalize database schema-run though, quickly as a group

·        Run through the 1-5 steps that we have already done in the evaluation plan


Wednesday: meeting from 10-12 (Mike) 12-1 (Pat) 130-330 (Group)

·        Mike:

o       Run through prototype

o       Pop-up boxes?

o       Discussion forum: own button on top, on top of every page (consistent)

§         Our concern: users not knowing that the discussion forum is there if they are using the other pages.

·        Pat:

o       Status report

o       Run through prototype

o       Run through database schema

·        Group:

o       Go through evaluation plan 5-11


Thursday: meeting from 11-3

o       Questions we would ask

o       Who to conduct on.... etc.