T/TAC Project Site
Spring 2004 - Group 1


Status Report
April 23, 2004


Rehearsed presentation and fine-tuned presentation strategies and sequencing.

Reviewed components of public-side of site to me demonstrated in presentation. Communicated final changes to Shuangbao.

Closed several T/TAC Online QA issues in preparation for the Virginia Directors of Special Education meeting presentation.

Posted Orientation video to site.

Presented T/TAC Online site at quarterly meeting of Virginia Directors of Special Education in Richmond.

Integrated formative evaluation feedback into content development webshops. Posted content development webshops to site. Began development of survey and scheduling of testers for Level One evaluation.

Continued usability testing.



Complete Level One evaluations of content development webshops.

Finalize plans for how tutorials will be organized and accessed on the site.

Create www.workshop combining all staff training materials.

Complete usability testing.

Complete preproduction workflow materials.

Complete all materials preparation and evaluations in order to be ready to review and analyze data to prepare final presentation during week of May 2.

Complete webshop about developing accessible webshops.


Issues / Concerns:

We have been unable, so far to schedule remaining GMU T/TAC staff for last usability test due to travel schedules. Travel schedules are also an issue in arranging for volunteers to evaluate staff training webshops.

Hope to resolve issues related to quality of presentation media & determining how sizing in T/TAC Online templates affect quality.


contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: April 23, 2004