T/TAC Project Site
Spring 2004 - Group 1


Team: Robert, Leslie, Nan, Barbara, Joan, Jocelyn, Jolin
Source: Dr. Michael Behrmann, Tara
Prepared by: Joan
April 13, 2004
Summary: T/TAC Teams 1 & 2 met with Dr. Behrmann to review status of preparation for presentation at April 20 of Directors of Special Education.
Communication Updates :

Tara noted items which have been completed and which are still open.

The responsibility areas were clarified. It was noted that volunteers are still needed to provide standard directions for all the staff-side pages on the site.

Completed items include:
Add T/TAC Online to FAQs
Review and update site maps
Update GMU/professor/student T/TAC teams
Category/subcategory breakout
Public page directions

Open items include:
Add April/May Events
Consistency/clarity for "required" fields
Database cleanup
Region dropdown validation
Public page directions

New items include:
Tab and text for SOL Lessons
Online Training -
Webshop "home" page and www.workshop "home" pages should not have "In the Spotlight" - just a listing of all the webshops or all the www.workshops

Add Search icon and Search to upper right corner of Events, Resources and Online Training to make it easier for users to be able to Search when in those categories. It was decided that no changes should be made at this time to the official "Search" page other than adding School Improvement which was discussed last week.

Dr. Behrmann announced that he has received approval to add access to the Virginia Standards of Learning Enhanced Scope and Sequence resources including
instructional activities, assessments and follow-up extensions for
all content areas and all grades specifically designed to address
the needs of students with disabilities to T/TAC Online.

Dr. Behrmann provided an overview of the Enhanced Scope and Sequence resources with a demonstration of the Mathematics lessons as they are posted on the VDOE website.

Color for and placement of the new SOL Lessons tab was discussed. Nan and Jocelyn volunteered to provide text and layout to Shuangbao. After viewing colors of the T/TAC universities, it was decided that the new tab should match the golden color on GMU's athletic webpage. Jolin indicated the name of this color is mango.

It was decided that we didn't need a PowerPoint presentation since we would basically be wallking the audience through the site.

Rehearsal is scheduled for Monday at noon in the Commerce Lab. TOA will be the audience and provide feedback.

Action Items:

Add April/May Events - Barbara
Consistency/clarity for "required" fields - Leslie
Database cleanup - Mona
Region dropdown validation - Monisha
Public page directions - Need volunteer

Prepare outlines and other materials for presentation rehearsal Monday


contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: April 16, 2004