T/TAC Project Site
Spring 2004 - Group 1


Team: Joan, Mona, Leslie, Robert, Kirk
Source: Mary Wilds, Amie Fulcher, Shuangbao Wang
Prepared by: Joan
March 2, 2004
Summary: Mary, Amie and Shuangbao met with team members to focus on all aspects of T/TAC Online user experience. Irregularities were uncovered which were probably the result of the recent conversion. Shuangbao indicated all were resolvable in the required timeframe. Team took detailed notes of issues and will track resolution progress. Since Events and Resources sections have not been thoroughly tested since the conversion, additional testing is required soon in order to resolve any additional issues before the April 20 lanuch.
Communication Updates :

Overview of Issues to Address

Review all copy on all pages for clarity of directions.
Review all copy on all pages for consistency throughout site.
Match style of buttons on all pages.
Explain "Choose a Category".
Review Logon-User Account Process.

Events and Resources Listings Entry and Display:
Do not display label if field is blank.
Make more fields mandatory.
Required fields: use * to indicate and move all * to flush left.
Activate the title of Events as links to additional information.
Indicate additional description information is available in "In the Spotlight".
Cancel out second category display if first and second category are the same.

Be absolutely clear in the input screens whether an event is being added to the T/TAC PUBLIC or VDOE MASTER calendar.
Remove links to VDOE calendar from public pages.

Need to check all aspects of user logon requirements.
Testing revealed inconsistencies in the logon experience to take a course.
Testing revealed inconsistencies in a user's ability to create a user account.

In addition to completing review and revisions of Online Training section, review entire site from the USER and EVALUATOR viewpoints to ensure that the experience is positive for them.

Action Items: Leslie to update site checklist.
Leslie to draft email to Shuangbao regarding the inconsistencies in the logon proces
s for review by meeting participants.
Team to continue working with Shuangbao to resolve outstanding Online Training issues.
Team to broaden focus of testing to include user experience site-wide.
Team to prepare presenation for April 20 meeting with a focus on user and evaluator experience

contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: April 5, 2004